Sea of Thieves Wiki

TheGloriousSeaDog EquipmentShop Carlos
Type NPC
Location The Glorious Sea Dog

Carlos is the shopkeeper at the Equipment Shop at The Glorious Sea Dog.

He fantasises over the demise of pirates, and how they're dressed when they die.


After 2.5.0

Dialogue icon

Salutations, pirate. I'm Carlos and this is my clothing stall. Had any good deaths recently?

What do you mean, 'good' deaths?

Oh, savaged by a Skeleton Lord in hand-to-hand combat, hurled into a pit of spikes by an exploding keg - deaths you can really write home about.
I do so enjoy hearing tales of the interesting ways pirates manage to shuffle off the mortal coil and onto the Ferry of the Damned. I keep records!
Mind you, there are so many deadly dangers around nowadays. I can barely update my journals fast enough to keep up with it all.
I've been pondering whether Ocean Crawlers ever try and feast on their pirate prey. If you ever find out for yourself, be sure to tell me all about it!

Have you ever been to the Ferry yourself?

Oh, gracious, no! That sort of rambunctious behaviour is far too much for me.
Not to mention, some of the accidental annihilations I've heard about seem like they might... well, sting a little. Definitely not my cup of tea.
Interestingly, some pirates tell me that the Ferry's Well of Fates changes colour depending on the means by which they expired!
Imagine lighting up the night sky with a glorious rainbow of lanterns, each representing a specific fatality! It would be sublime...

Are you getting much business, Carlos?

Now that the Sea Dogs have disbanded, you mean? Yes, I'm muddling along well enough.
I won't lie, though, it's not quite the same without hearing the day's reports of pirates meeting a sticky end during one of DeMarco's competitions.
The Reaper's Bones stop by from time to time, at least, and they almost always have some sort of gruesome gossip from their Emissaries to pass along.
I think I'll stay put for now. It's a shame there's no space for my stall at a place like Morrow's Peak Outpost.
Imagine getting to watch a potential customer hurled helplessly onto the rocks by an erupting geyser, all from the safety of my shop. Bliss!

Before 2.5.0

Dialogue icon

Are you sure you're feeling alright today? I'm Carlos, seller of clothes and recorder of demises.

It's time I got some new clothes. What's popular at the moment?

It depends on how much dying you'd like to do. I'd recommend a lot!
Plenty of pirates expire dressed as Bilge Rats, it seems to bring out splendid risk taking in them.
The Sovereign clothing wearers are too cautious though, not enough passing away by far.
But I think our new Glorious Sea Dog pieces will attract attention,the kind that sends everyone to the Ghost Ship hopefully.

Have you even been to the Ghost Ship, Carlos?

Oh my goodness, no.
Hearing about how pirates ended up there is wonderful, but it's not a place I'm in a hurry to visit.
Just listening to all the fascinating tales of unfortunate demises is enough for me, thank you very much.

What do you think is the worst way a pirate can die?

Worst? Oh no, they're all wonderful in their own unique way.
Drowning in a shipwreck, your sodden clothes dragging you down as your lungs fill with water!
The shower of teeth, sparkling in the midday sun, when you get hit in the face by a cannonball!
Even a simple snake bite, with the poisonous agony it promises, has its own undeniable charm.
I can't pick a favourite, I really can't!

Player Interaction

• It's a lovely day to die, isn't it?
• Any intresting deaths in the crew recently?
• Still alive then? That's a shame.

Player Leaving

• Go break a leg... or preferably your neck.
• The ghost ship awaits!
• I hope I never see you again!

Patch history[]

  • 2.0 (April 30, 2019)
    • Introduced.
