Sea of Thieves Wiki
Sea of Thieves Wiki

Type Location

Islands are land locations that serve as some of the most common destinations for Quests and World Events.

List of regional islands

There are 74 charted islands found across the named regions of The Sea of Thieves split across 25 large islands, 39 small islands, and 10 Fortresses.

This does not include Sea Forts, Seaposts, Outposts, or Siren Shrines / Treasuries as these are not classified as Islands within the Master Explorer seasonal trial.

Large Islands

Large Islands are significant landmasses consisting of hills, caves, and the ruins of old settlements.

Riddle Maps are exclusive to these islands due to their size and vast selection of unique landmarks.

Name Grid Region Chicken icon Chickens Pig icon Pigs Snake icon Snakes
Cannon Cove G-10 The Shores of Plenty icon The Shores of Plenty
Crescent Isle B-9 The Shores of Plenty icon The Shores of Plenty
Lone Cove H-6 The Shores of Plenty icon The Shores of Plenty
Mermaid's Hideaway B-13 The Shores of Plenty icon The Shores of Plenty
Sailor's Bounty C-4 The Shores of Plenty icon The Shores of Plenty
Smuggler's Bay F-3 The Shores of Plenty icon The Shores of Plenty
Wanderers Refuge F-12 The Shores of Plenty icon The Shores of Plenty
Crook's Hollow M-16 The Ancient Isles icon The Ancient Isles
Devil's Ridge P-19 The Ancient Isles icon The Ancient Isles
Discovery Ridge E-17 The Ancient Isles icon The Ancient Isles
Plunder Valley G-16 The Ancient Isles icon The Ancient Isles
Shark Bait Cove H-19 The Ancient Isles icon The Ancient Isles
Snake Island K-16 The Ancient Isles icon The Ancient Isles
Thieves' Haven L-20 The Ancient Isles icon The Ancient Isles
Kraken's Fall R-12 The Wilds icon The Wilds
Marauder's Arch Q-3 The Wilds icon The Wilds
Old Faithful Isle M-4 The Wilds icon The Wilds
Shipwreck Bay M-10 The Wilds icon The Wilds
The Crooked Masts O-11 The Wilds icon The Wilds
The Sunken Grove P-7 The Wilds icon The Wilds
Ashen Reaches V-23 The Devil's Roar icon The Devil's Roar
Fetcher's Rest V-12 The Devil's Roar icon The Devil's Roar
Flintlock Peninsula W-14 The Devil's Roar icon The Devil's Roar
Ruby's Fall Y-16 The Devil's Roar icon The Devil's Roar
The Devil's Thirst W-21 The Devil's Roar icon The Devil's Roar

Small Islands

Small Islands are much smaller landmasses that are not large enough to have the landmarks for Riddle Maps. However, they can still hold a fair share of secrets, plenty of treasure, and host a variety of enemies.

Name Grid Region Chicken icon Chickens Pig icon Pigs Snake icon Snakes
Boulder Cay G-5 The Shores of Plenty icon The Shores of Plenty
Lagoon of Whispers D-12 The Shores of Plenty icon The Shores of Plenty
Lonely Isle G-8 The Shores of Plenty icon The Shores of Plenty
Picaroon Palms I-4 The Shores of Plenty icon The Shores of Plenty
Rapier Cay D-8 The Shores of Plenty icon The Shores of Plenty
Rum Runner Isle H-9 The Shores of Plenty icon The Shores of Plenty
Salty Sands G-3 The Shores of Plenty icon The Shores of Plenty
Sandy Shallows D-5 The Shores of Plenty icon The Shores of Plenty
Sea Dog's Rest C-11 The Shores of Plenty icon The Shores of Plenty
Twin Groves H-11 The Shores of Plenty icon The Shores of Plenty
Barnacle Cay O-15 The Ancient Isles icon The Ancient Isles
Booty Isle K-20 The Ancient Isles icon The Ancient Isles
Castaway Isle K-14 The Ancient Isles icon The Ancient Isles
Chicken Isle I-16 The Ancient Isles icon The Ancient Isles
Cutlass Cay M-18 The Ancient Isles icon The Ancient Isles
Fools Lagoon I-14 The Ancient Isles icon The Ancient Isles
Lookout Point I-20 The Ancient Isles icon The Ancient Isles
Mutineer Rock N-19 The Ancient Isles icon The Ancient Isles
Old Salts Atoll F-18 The Ancient Isles icon The Ancient Isles
Paradise Spring L-17 The Ancient Isles icon The Ancient Isles
Black Sand Atoll O-3 The Wilds icon The Wilds
Black Water Enclave R-5 The Wilds icon The Wilds
Blind Man's Lagoon N-6 The Wilds icon The Wilds
Isle of Last Words O-9 The Wilds icon The Wilds
Liar's Backbone S-11 The Wilds icon The Wilds
Plunderer's Plight Q-6 The Wilds icon The Wilds
Scurvy Isley K-4 The Wilds icon The Wilds
Shark Tooth Key P-13 The Wilds icon The Wilds
Shiver Retreat Q-11 The Wilds icon The Wilds
Tri-Rock Isle R-10 The Wilds icon The Wilds
Brimstone Rock X-18 The Devil's Roar icon The Devil's Roar
Cinder Islet U-14 The Devil's Roar icon The Devil's Roar
Cursewater Shores Y-13 The Devil's Roar icon The Devil's Roar
Flame's End V-19 The Devil's Roar icon The Devil's Roar
Forsaken Brink U-16 The Devil's Roar icon The Devil's Roar
Glowstone Cay Z-18 The Devil's Roar icon The Devil's Roar
Magma's Tide Y-20 The Devil's Roar icon The Devil's Roar
Roaring Sands U-21 The Devil's Roar icon The Devil's Roar
Scorched Pass X-11 The Devil's Roar icon The Devil's Roar


Main article: Fortress

Fortresses are islands that have fortified structures built by Skeleton forces and can be host Skeleton Fort or Fort of Fortune raids, with the unique Fort of the Damned raid hosted solely at its respective location. Most regions have three Fortresses, while The Devil's Roar has only one, and The Ancient Isles has two Fortresses plus Fort of the Damned which was previously the regular Fortress, Old Boot Fort.

Name Grid Region
Keel Haul Fort C-6 The Shores of Plenty icon The Shores of Plenty
Hidden Spring Keep I-8 The Shores of Plenty icon The Shores of Plenty
Sailor's Knot Stronghold E-14 The Shores of Plenty icon The Shores of Plenty
Lost Gold Fort H-17 The Ancient Isles icon The Ancient Isles
Fort of the Damned
(previously Old Boot Fort)
L-14 The Ancient Isles icon The Ancient Isles
The Crow's Nest Fortress O-17 The Ancient Isles icon The Ancient Isles
Skull Keep P-9 The Wilds icon The Wilds
Kraken Watchtower L-6 The Wilds icon The Wilds
Shark Fin Camp P-5 The Wilds icon The Wilds
Molten Sands Fortress Z-11 The Devil's Roar icon The Devil's Roar

List of uncharted & other islands

Main article: Uncharted Islands

These islands either don't belong to any major region or don't appear on the ship's Map Table, either because they are uncharted, or exist outside the Sea of Thieves.

Name Grid Region Notes
The Reaper's Hideout I-12 No associated region Base of operations for the Reaper's Bones icon Reaper's Bones.
"Uncharted Island (K-9)"
(No official name)
K-9 The Shores of Plenty icon The Shores of Plenty The island also sits atop a cave system containing a Skeleton Throne. A Coral Inu can be found on the island's beach.
"Uncharted Island (N-13)"
(No official name)
N-13 The Wilds icon The Wilds Known for its coral reefs, Ancient underwater cave, and the Magpie's Wing shipwreck.
"Uncharted Island (K-11)"
(no official name)
K-11 No associated region Location of The Glorious Sea Dog, tavern and former home to the Sea Dogs icon Sea Dogs.
Tribute Peak Y-3 The Devil's Shroud Also known as "The Shores of Gold".

Mysterious uncharted island hidden in The Devil's Shroud, found east of The Wilds icon The Wilds.

Old Sailor's Isle n/a Outside The Sea of Thieves An island located in the world beyond The Devil's Shroud.

Visited during the Maiden Voyage icon Maiden Voyage.

See also

Other notable locations:

Patch history

  • (November 3, 2022)
    • Players should now hear the appropriate waterfall sounds when exploring various islands.
  • 1.1.2 (June 13, 2018)
    • Further improvements to load times and streaming of islands.
  • 1.1.1 (June 5, 2018)
    • Further improvements to frame rate when streaming islands.
  • 1.0.8 (May 23, 2018)
    • Frame rates while streaming islands have been improved.
  • 1.0.4 (April 18, 2018)
    • Increased quality of island rendering at a distance when using the spyglass on all quality settings on both platforms.
  • 1.0.1 (March 27, 2018)
    • Lighting has been tweaked in order to improve performance on multiple islands.
    • Sizeable framerate improvements when traversing large islands.