Sea of Thieves Wiki

A Legendary Search for the Skull of Destiny[]

The Fort of the Damned is a notoriously difficult World Event. From the tricky Shadows of Fate to the formidable Ghost of Graymarrow, this cursed fort has kept pirates on their toes since arriving in the Sea of Thieves.

However, the foes you encounter at the Fort of the Damned are only half the challenge. The other half is activating the Fort of the Damned by gathering all six Flames of Fate required to start it. Thankfully, the Pirate Lord has a solution to speed up this process, the Legendary Search for the Skull of Destiny voyage!

How do you complete the Legendary Search for the Skull of Destiny Voyage?[]

To complete the Legendary Search for the Skull of Destiny voyage, follow the Wayfinder of Legends to the Skull of Destiny and dig it up. You don’t need to kill the skeletons that ambush you after you dig up the Skull of Destiny to complete the voyage.

The Wayfinder of Legends compass will direct you to the island with the skull.

Once you arrive at the island, hop off your ship onto the island and follow the compass to where it leads. As you get closer to the dig site, the needle wave back and forth more quickly until it spins around in a circle. Once it starts spinning wildly in a circle, you know you are in the right spot.

Equip your shovel and dig up the Skull of Destiny. Upon digging up the skull, Shadows of Fate will ambush you. Defeating them is optional to complete the voyage but could be beneficial if you are still working on your Shadows of Fate commendations.

Where do you purchase the Legendary Search for the Skull of Destiny Voyage?[]

You can purchase the voyage for 100 Doubloons from the Pirate Lord in the Athena’s Fortune Hideout or any Shipwright if you are a Captain.

What is the Skull of Destiny?[]

The Skull of Destiny is a unique Ritual Skull imbued with all six Flames of Fate. You can only find the Skull of Destiny during the Legendary Search for the Skull of Destiny voyage.

Once you have the Skull of Destiny, you can change which Flame of Fate is burning inside while holding it and pressing the “Primary Use” button (Right Trigger/Left Mouse Button).

You can use the Skull of Destiny to light your lantern, your ship’s lanterns, and even all six statues at the Fort of the Damned! You can also start the Fort of the Damned by placing the Skull of Destiny inside the ritual cage instead of a Ritual Skull.
