Sea of Thieves Wiki

Legends of the Sea Set
Umbra's Chronicle Tattoo Set
Type Cosmetic Set
Source Umbra
Cost 133,650 Gold

The Legends of the Sea Set is composed of 11 unique Tattoo Sets that honour Legendary Player Pirates who left their mark on Sea of Thieves. These Tattoos can only be purchased if the player has unlocked the titular Legends of the Sea Commendations by finding and interacting with various Easter Eggs. These Tattoos can only be bought from Umbra. She is currently located at Sanctuary Outpost.

Set Components[]

Vanity Items[]

  • Total Cost: 133,650 Gold
Image Name Cost Requires Type In-game description
The Artistic Souls Tattoo Set
The Artistic Souls Tattoo Set 12,150 Gold The Artistic Souls Commendation Tattoo "Between fighting and looting, some pirates have earned great respect by painting and drawing."
The Daredevils Tattoo Set
The Daredevils Tattoo Set 12,150 Gold The Daredevils Commendation Tattoo "For those pirates who love nothing more than to take ridiculous risks."
The Early Settlers Tattoo Set
The Early Settlers Tattoo Set 12,150 Gold The Early Settlers Commendation Tattoo "Once the Pirate Lord showed the way, a few notorious pirates came and made their marks here."
The Gift Givers Tattoo Set
The Gift Givers Tattoo Set 12,150 Gold The Gift Givers Commendation Tattoo "Remember the most generous pirates of our times and seek to uphold their kindness."
The Insatiable Tattoo Set
The Insatiable Tattoo Set 12,150 Gold The Insatiable Commendation Tattoo "This tattoo set commemorates some of the greediest pirates ever, in food and gold."
The Loveable Rogues Tattoo Set
The Loveable Rogues Tattoo Set 12,150 Gold The Loveable Rogues Commendation Tattoo "Some pirates end up being so popular, it really warms the heart. Even more than a firebomb."
The Pirate Scribes Tattoo Set
The Pirate Scribes Tattoo Set 12,150 Gold The Pirate Scribes Commendation Tattoo "Some pirates love to write, once they’ve learned how to. These tattoos honour their work."
The Piratical Jokers Tattoo Set
The Piratical Jokers Tattoo Set 12,150 Gold The Piratical Jokers Commendation Tattoo "These tattoos remind us that a pirate with a sense of humour will always raise their crew’s spirits."
The Sea's Most Wanted Tattoo Set
The Sea's Most Wanted Tattoo Set 12,150 Gold The Sea's Most Wanted Commendation Tattoo "These tattoos honour some of the most felonious pirates to blight the Sea of Thieves!"
The Swashbucklers Tattoo Set
The Swashbucklers Tattoo Set 12,150 Gold The Swashbucklers Commendation Tattoo "We must remember those pirates who really got their teeth into the business, for better or worse."
Umbra's Chronicle Tattoo Set
Umbra's Chronicle Tattoo Set 12,150 Gold Chronicler of Legend Commendation Tattoo "This curious set of intertwining tattoos tells the most important tales that Umbra has uncovered."

Patch history[]

  • 2.0.11 (January 15, 2020)
    • Introduced.