Sea of Thieves Wiki

Type Vanity
Location Vanity Chest
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With many pirates wanting to paint their faces in celebration of the Festival of the Damned, this is the perfect time to allow pirates access to various make-up looks that allow for even more customisation options.

Makeup is a group of Vanity Items in Sea of Thieves, which can be equipped at the Vanity Chest. They can be purchased at the General Clothing Shop. All Makeup is purely cosmetic and do not give any in-game benefits. Female characters can also equip Makeup.


The following are all the Cosmetic Makeup variations available in the game:

  • Total Cost: 617,330 Gold  30 Doubloons  196 Ancient Coins
Image Name Source Cost Requires Set In-game description
Bilge Rat Celebration Makeup
Bilge Rat Celebration Makeup Vanity Chest
n/a Bilge Rat Celebration "The best thing about this makeup is that it helps disguise the side-effects of too much celebrating…"
Face of Fear Makeup
Face of Fear Makeup Vanity Chest
n/a Standalone Cosmetics "There’ll be no flies on you if you choose this arachnid art for face paint."
Fatefire Makeup
Fatefire Makeup Duke 10 Doubloons n/a Festival of the Damned "Inspired by the power within the Ferry of the Damned, this facepaint is for those who defy death."
Feast of Bounty Makeup
Feast of Bounty Makeup Vanity Chest
n/a Feast of Bounty "An understated berry-and-leaf motif for any pirate who wants to subtly salute the harvest."
Flags of Friendship Makeup
Flags of Friendship Makeup Vanity Chest
n/a Flags of Friendship "This makeup may resemble a golden crown, but the real treasure is the friends you made along the way."
Ghostlight Makeup
Ghostlight Makeup Duke 10 Doubloons n/a Festival of the Damned "A spooky facepaint that suits pirates who are not afraid to walk among spirits."
It’s Alive! Makeup
It’s Alive! Makeup Pirate Emporium 49 Ancient Coins n/a Soulflame "If you're feeling dead on your feet, this is a great way to go about expressing your mood."
Jewels of the Deep Makeup
Jewels of the Deep Makeup Vanity Chest
n/a Jewels of the Deep "Is there a prettier sight than sunlight reflecting off the ocean waves? Your face, of course."
Makeup of Ancient Gold
Makeup of Ancient Gold Vanity Chest
n/a Ancient Gold "Money may not bring happiness, but at least you can look like you’re shedding golden tears."
Makeup of Cursed Bone
Makeup of Cursed Bone Vanity Chest
n/a Cursed Bone "A skeletal makeover for those pirates who wish every day could be the Festival of the Damned."
Makeup of Dark Relics
Makeup of Dark Relics Vanity Chest
n/a Dark Relics "The perfect facepaint for pirates who feel they lack a bewitching smile."
Makeup of Perilous Seas
Makeup of Perilous Seas Vanity Chest
n/a Perilous Seas "Some actions at sea are more perilous than others - like trying to apply this makeup during a storm. Eyepatch at the ready!"
Makeup of the Blue Horizon
Makeup of the Blue Horizon Vanity Chest
n/a Blue Horizon "Golden shores below. White clouds above. Your eyes set firmly on the endless ocean ahead."
Makeup of the Ocean Deep
Makeup of the Ocean Deep Vanity Chest
n/a Ocean Deep "Never let the scales fall from your eyes with this fine, fishy facial design."
Makeup of the Siren's Wrath
Makeup of the Siren's Wrath Vanity Chest
n/a Siren's Wrath "A series of Siren-style stripes that help you express deep sorrows of your own."
Misfire Makeup
Misfire Makeup Pirate Emporium Bundle Only n/a Barrel Bombardier "With an obvious goggle outline, this grubby makeup shows you've been experimenting in the lab - with mixed success."
Raven Makeup
Raven Makeup Pirate Emporium 49 Ancient Coins n/a Soulflame "These moody markings are perfect for spooking your enemis, as well as any nearby poets."
Shroudbreaker Makeup
Shroudbreaker Makeup Vanity Chest
n/a Shroudbreaker "Daub yourself with an Ancient artefact design - but remember, it won't help you survive the Shroud…"
Skullface Makeup
Skullface Makeup Duke 10 Doubloons n/a Festival of the Damned "Celebrate the Festival of the Damned with this creepy facepaint that honours the dead."
The Ferryman Makeup
The Ferryman Makeup Pirate Emporium 49 Ancient Coins n/a Soulflame "Markings that make your pirate resemble the infamous Captain of the Ferry of the Damned."
Witch Markings Makeup
Witch Markings Makeup Pirate Emporium 49 Ancient Coins n/a Soulflame "This design doesn't actually confer magical powers, but you can always lie and say it does."
Wreath of Winter Makeup
Wreath of Winter Makeup Vanity Chest
n/a Wreath of Winter "Bring a touch of seasonal spirit wherever you choose to show your face."
Angelfish Makeup
Angelfish Makeup General Clothing Shop 495 Gold n/a General Cosmetics "The makeup of a pirate who was known for exploring the deep, seeking out tropical marine life."
Black Eye Makeup
Black Eye Makeup General Clothing Shop 495 Gold n/a General Cosmetics "The perfect paint for a pugnacious pirate!"
Blooded Warrior Makeup
Blooded Warrior Makeup General Clothing Shop 495 Gold n/a General Cosmetics "The war paint of the tribes of The Ancient Isles, perfect for a bloody battle."
Brave Makeup
Brave Makeup General Clothing Shop 495 Gold n/a General Cosmetics "This facepaint is for a pirate going to war, showing the world that they've got a score to settle."
Chieftain Makeup
Chieftain Makeup General Clothing Shop 495 Gold n/a General Cosmetics "The face paint of a chieftain, suggesting that you think you're better than everyone else. Prove it!"
Dandy Makeup
Dandy Makeup General Clothing Shop 495 Gold n/a General Cosmetics "This is a dainty look, but also quite unsettling - especially on a huge, sword-wielding pirate."
Diamond Makeup
Diamond Makeup General Clothing Shop 495 Gold n/a General Cosmetics "You fell asleep on your playing cards again, didn't you?"
Eastern Opera Makeup
Eastern Opera Makeup General Clothing Shop 495 Gold n/a General Cosmetics "This facepaint inspired by Eastern opera often denotes a villain, such as, well... a pirate!"
Ghostfinder Makeup
Ghostfinder Makeup General Clothing Shop 495 Gold n/a General Cosmetics "This is inspired by tribal shamans who would commune with the spirits of The Ancient Isles."
Kraken Makeup
Kraken Makeup General Clothing Shop 495 Gold Hunter of the Monstrous Beast Title The Hunter's Call "Anyone for calamari? You've earned the facepaint of a true Kraken conqueror."
Masque Makeup
Masque Makeup General Clothing Shop 495 Gold n/a General Cosmetics "Terrify your foes with this delicate but deathly visage from the Shores of Plenty."
Megalodon Makeup
Megalodon Makeup General Clothing Shop 495 Gold Hunter of the Great Maw Title The Hunter's Call "The bigger they come, the more you eat! Wear the markings of the ultimate hunter."
Mystic Makeup
Mystic Makeup General Clothing Shop 495 Gold n/a General Cosmetics "A smoky look with blue lines that are positioned to open the mind to the mysteries of the universe."
One-Eye Makeup
One-Eye Makeup General Clothing Shop 495 Gold n/a General Cosmetics "Covering just one eye, this is perfect if you're sick of getting makeup on your eyepatch."
Reaper Makeup
Reaper Makeup General Clothing Shop 495 Gold n/a General Cosmetics "A gloomy corse paint look that conveys a morose outlook, ideal for playing sad shanties."
Sawtooth Makeup
Sawtooth Makeup General Clothing Shop 495 Gold n/a General Cosmetics "This jagged swipe of facepaint resembles the wicked bite of a shark, ideal for a wilder pirate."
Shade Makeup
Shade Makeup General Clothing Shop 495 Gold n/a General Cosmetics "A mixture of a stripe and shading, ideal for a pirate who likes to lurk in the shadows."
Shadows Makeup
Shadows Makeup General Clothing Shop 495 Gold n/a General Cosmetics "Paint dark shadows over your eyes, creating a menacing impression. May also make you look sleepy."
Skystrike Makeup
Skystrike Makeup General Clothing Shop 495 Gold n/a General Cosmetics "Commemorating the fall of comets that once wrought great havok on The Wilds."
Soul Patch Makeup
Soul Patch Makeup General Clothing Shop 495 Gold n/a General Cosmetics "Said by the tribes of The Wilds to allow your soul to see down to your feet, so you don't trip over."
Stream Sailor Makeup
Stream Sailor Makeup General Clothing Shop 495 Gold n/a General Cosmetics "Makeup inspired by a famous pirate who was known for her sense of style and loyal following."
Stripe Makeup
Stripe Makeup General Clothing Shop 495 Gold n/a General Cosmetics "A simple stripe, this makeup is ideal for looking scary without taking all morning to get ready."
Undying Makeup
Undying Makeup General Clothing Shop 495 Gold n/a General Cosmetics "This style reflects the rulers of ancient people, who considered themselves gods. Big head..."
Warface Makeup
Warface Makeup General Clothing Shop 495 Gold n/a General Cosmetics "This is the war paint of the sea-raiding tribes who once ruled The Wilds."
Warpaint of the Ashen Dragon
Warpaint of the Ashen Dragon General Clothing Shop 495 Gold n/a Ashen Dragon "Some say this strange, esoteric warpaint was used by the crew of The Ashen Dragon."
Weeper Makeup
Weeper Makeup General Clothing Shop 495 Gold n/a General Cosmetics "This makeup is used for mourning when a great pirate passes, or a fresh grog gets spilled."
Facepaint of the Damned
Facepaint of the Damned General Clothing Shop 3,710 Gold Summoning the Damned Commendation Ferry of the Damned "Take on the haunted, withered look of a pirate who is truly beyond salvation."
Dark Adventurers Severe Makeup
Dark Adventurers Severe Makeup Athena's Fortune Shop 200,250 Gold
Dark Adventurers "Is this facepaint, warpaint or something in between? Either way, it shows that you mean business."
Dark Adventurers Sombre Makeup
Dark Adventurers Sombre Makeup Athena's Fortune Shop 200,250 Gold
Dark Adventurers "Malicious, moody and mysterious? Then you can definitely pull off this look."
Dark Adventurers Surly Makeup
Dark Adventurers Surly Makeup Athena's Fortune Shop 200,250 Gold
Dark Adventurers "You don't wear this just to look good. You wear this to look utterly terrifying, but also good."

Patch history[]

  • 1.3.2 (October 31, 2018)
    • Introduced.