Reaper's Bones | |
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Details | |
Type | Trading Company |
Location | The Reaper's Hideout |
The Reaper Bones is one of the major Trading Companies in Sea of Thieves. The Reaper's Bones are camped on the makeshift fort at The Reaper’s Hideout headed by the mysterious Servant of the Flame. The Reaper's Bones stand for 'True Piracy', seeking out the toughest, most ruthless pirates on the seas. For this end, the Reaper's Bones are willing to reward Pirates for any Treasure, stolen or found, that they bring in, along with the remains of the Ships of other Trading Companies. On the flip side, the Reaper's Bones only accept Treasure at the Hideout and nowhere else, making it a hot-spot for piracy.
The Reaper's Bones do not offer any Voyages, leaving it up to the Crews of Player Pirates to figure out how to best contribute to the company. Players can represent the Reaper's Bones by flying the Reaper's Bones Emissary Flag, which they can buy from The Servant of the Flame at The Reaper's Hideout.

Entrance to The Reaper's Hideout.
The Reaper's Bones set up camp at The Reaper’s Hideout with the Ships of Fortune Content Update. Previously an Uncharted Island with nothing of interest, aside from the Shipwreck of Merrick's old ship The Killer Whale. With the Smuggler’s Fortune Content Update, Stitcher Jim re-emerged from hiding with a mysterious Masked Stranger, making camp on the Uncharted Island. In the following months, Jim and the Stranger plotted and performed various rituals under the Bilge Rats, such as turning Old Boot Fort into the Fort of the Damned and summoning the Ghost of Graymarrow during the Fort of the Damned (Content Update), or summoning the ghost of Sir Arthur Pendragon to trick him into releasing the soul of Flameheart during the The Seabound Soul (Content Update). With Flameheart free, the Reapers officially set up camp at the newly named and charted The Reaper’s Hideout, where the Stranger began accepting various Treasure related to the Reapers. With a steady income, the Reapers started building fortifications on the Hideout out of Merrick's old ship's remains. With the March Heart of Fire (Content Update), the Masked Stranger's plan to resurrect Captain Flameheart by using Stitcher Jim were revealed, along with hints to her real identity being none other than Wanda the Warsmith. The Fort was eventually completed, where Wanda was replaced by The Servant of the Flame, who became the official representative of the newly formed Reaper's Bones Trading Company. The Reapers seem to have intimate ties to the will of Flameheart, right down to their Company banner representing the Golden Chalice, the source of Flameheart's curse.
Offered Services[]

The Reaper's Bones Trading Company does not offer any Voyages, nor do they have any other representatives aside from The Servant of the Flame.
The following Services are offered on The Reaper’s Hideout:
- Ship Customization Chest on the docks
- Ammo Chests to replenish Weapon Ammunition
- Cannons to fend off other Ships
- Reaper's Bones Emissary Table to raise and lower the Reaper’s Bones Emissary Flag
- Access to all of the services related to the Reaper's Bones Trading Company at The Servant of the Flame
The following Services are available from The Servant of the Flame:
- Turn in all Treasure items for Reaper’s Bones Reputation, Emissary Value (only as a Reaper's Bones Emissary) and Gold/Doubloons
- Purchase the Reaper’s Bones Emissary Flag & Reaper's Bones Outfit
- Purchase Reaper's Bones Promotions
- Purchase Reaper’s Bones Set Items that are unlocked with Promotions
The Reaper's Bones is unique in that it accepts any and all Treasure items with a few exceptions. The Reapers will match the reward of any Treasure offered to the other Trading Companies. Any sold Treasure will give Crews Gold/Doubloons and Reaper's Bones Reputation. When sailing as a Reaper's Bones Emissary, any sold Treasure will also give Crews Emissary Value.
The following is a list of all the Treasure Items accepted by the Reaper's Bones:
- Treasure Chests
- Trinkets
- Bounty Skulls (including the Gold Hoarder's Skull)
- Gunpowder Barrels
- Resource Crates (aside from Storage Crates)
- Trade Good Crates
- Cargo Crates (Overdue or not)
- Filled Animal Crates
- Firebomb Crates, and Ammo Crates
- Athena's Fortune Treasure
- Mermaid Gems, and Siren Gems
- Breath of the Sea
- Bilge Rats Treasure
- Broken Emissary Flags
- Box of Wondrous Secrets
- Ashen Artefacts from The Seabound Soul
- Collector's Chests (Does not reward Reputation)
The following Treasure items cannot be sold to the Reaper's Bones:
- Empty Animal Crates
- Storage Crates
- Treacherous Plunder, Fish, and Meat
- Most Quest Items and Keys
Reaper's Treasure[]
There are a handful of Treasure items that are only valuable to the Reapers.
Reaper's Chest & Reaper's Bounty[]

A Reaper's Bounty marked on the Map Table.
When investigating the Map Table, Player Crews may notice small skull icons. Above these icons, Crews can also spot pillars of swirling light on the horizon. These icons and light pillars indicate the presence of Reaper’s Chests (sold for Doubloons) or Reaper’s Bounty (sold for Gold). These chests appear in Shipwrecks and always show their presence on the map due to the Reaper's Mark placed on them. When picked up, the light pillars and the chests will still be visible on the map, making them a high risk, high reward item. Both of the chests can only be sold to The Servant of the Flame for Reaper's Bones Reputation and Doubloons/Gold. These chests were initially sold to the Bilge Rats when Stitcher Jim and Masked Stranger were a part of them, however once the Reaper's Bones revealed themselves, the chest are no longer valuable to the Bilge Rats.
Gifts are small packages, seemingly only valuable to The Reaper's Bones. These Gifts are often buried in Skeleton's Orders quests or found inside completed Skeleton Fort Vaults. They can also be washed up on beaches. These Gifts can be sold to The Servant of the Flame for Doubloons and Reaper's Bones Reputation. They were originally sold to the Masked Stranger.
Broken Emissary Flags[]

A Broken Reaper's Bones Flag in hand.
Other unique Treasure Items of the Reaper's Bones are the Broken Emissary Flags of sunken Ships. Whenever a Ship that is flying an Emissary Flag sinks or is scuttled, it will leave behind the broken Flag as a Treasure Item. The flags of each Trading Company look visually different, however, they are mechanically identical. The only major difference of the Broken Flags is the Grade of the retrieved Flag, which is dependent on the sunken Ship's Emissary Grade. These Flags can be sold to The Servant of the Flame or the Caged Skeleton for Gold, Reaper's Bones Reputation and Reaper's Bones Emissary Value (when representing the Reaper's Bones as an Emissary).
An emissary Flag of your Crew's sunken ship is signified as Yours and will only reward Crews with 1 Gold and no Reputation or Emissary Value, no matter the Grade of the broken flag.
The following chart lists the base gold and Emissary Value rewards for selling a Broken Emissary Flag to The Reaper's Bones:
Emissary Grade | Rewards, Reputation & Emissary Value |
Grade 1 | Base Reward |
Grade 2 | +33% Base Reward |
Grade 3 | +67% Base Reward |
Grade 4 | +100% Base Reward |
Grade 5 | +150% Base Reward |
Reputation, Promotions & Rewards[]
Reaper's Bones Reputation is used to level up with the Trading Company and to earn higher Promotion Ranks. Reaper's Bones Reputation is earned every time an item is sold to The Servant of the Flame (Crew-wide), a higher than Grade 2 Reaper's Bones Emissary Flag is lowered at a Reaper's Bones Emissary Table or when a Reaper's Bones Commendation is progressed or achieved (Personal). Crews representing the Reaper's Bones as an Emissary will get increased Reputation gains the higher their Emissary Grade. The Reaper's Bones Company has 75 Reputation levels in total.
Reaper's can expect to gain the most Reputation from selling Treasure valuable to the Reapers specifically, such as Reaper's Chests, Reaper's Bounties, Gifts or Broken Emissary Flags. Treasure from other Companies gives far less Reputation.
Reaper's Bones Promotions act as Ranks for progressing through the Trading Company and are bought with Gold after every 5 levels of Reputation gained with the Company. Each purchased Promotion unlocks a Title for use at the Vanity Chest and an additional Reaper's Bones Set Item for purchase.
Rank | Promotion Name | Cost | Item Unlocked | Cost |
5 | Follower of the Flame | 1,350 ![]() |
Measly Reaper Cannons | 4,635 ![]() |
10 | Devotee of the Flame | 2,700 ![]() |
Lowly Reaper Figurehead | 4,635 ![]() |
15 | Servant of the Flame | 4,050 ![]() |
Notable Reaper Cannons | 9,270 ![]() |
20 | Bearer of the Flame | 5,400 ![]() |
Prominent Reaper Figurehead | 9,270 ![]() |
25 | Keeper of the Flame | 6,750 ![]() |
Renowned Reaper Cannons | 13,905 ![]() |
30 | Steward of the Flame | 8,100 ![]() |
Famed Reaper Figurehead | 13,905 ![]() |
35 | Disciple of the Flame | 9,450 ![]() |
Esteemed Reaper Cannons | 18,540 ![]() |
40 | Warden of the Flame | 10,800 ![]() |
Revered Reaper Figurehead | 18,540 ![]() |
45 | Luminary of the Flame | 12,150 ![]() |
Notorious Reaper Cannons | 37,080 ![]() |
50 | Master of the Flame | 13,500 ![]() |
Legendary Reaper Figurehead | 37,080 ![]() |
55 | Bringer of the Flame | 17,450 ![]() |
Reaper’s Bones Flag | 2,500 ![]() |
60 | Exemplar of the Flame | 21,400 ![]() |
Reaper’s Bones Capstan | 69,550 ![]() |
65 | Defender of the Flame | 25,350 ![]() |
Reaper’s Bones Wheel | 69,550 ![]() |
70 | Guardian of the Flame | 29,300 ![]() |
Reaper’s Bones Hull | 69,550 ![]() |
75 | Champion of the Flame | 33,250 ![]() |
Reaper’s Bones Sails | 69,550 ![]() |
Reaper's Bones Emissaries[]
Any players wishing to represent the Reaper's Bones on the open seas can do so by becoming a Reaper's Bones Emissary. To hoist a Reaper’s Bones Emissary Flag, players must first purchase it from The Servant of the Flame for 20000 Gold. This is a one-time purchase which permanently unlocks the ability for Player Crews to vote to raise a Reaper’s Bones Emissary Flag at the Reaper's Bones Emissary Table. Reaper's Bones Emissary Tables can be found away from view on every Outpost and in front of The Servant of the Flame at The Reaper’s Hideout. Once voted upon, the Crew's Ship will receive two Company themed Flags on their Ships to designate their Emissary status: a big Flag on the back of the ship and a Pennant on top of the Crow's Nest. These Flags will signify the Emissary Ship's current Emissary Grade and will change as the Crew progresses through the Grades. Beware that hoisting a Reaper's Bones Emissary Flag acts identically to the Flag Of The Reaper’s Mark and will make your Ship and Emissary Grade visible for all Crews on the Map Table. When an Emissary Ship sinks or is scuttled, the Emissary Flag will be lost along with any earned Grade progress. The Broken Emissary Flags that float up from the sunk ship can be sold to The Servant of the Flame at The Reaper's Hideout. When Crews vote to lower their own Emissary Flag, they earn large sums of Gold and Reputation with the Emissary Company (only after Grade 2).
Emissary Grades[]

The Emissary Grade icon of the Reaper's Bones.
Every Reaper's Bones Emissary will start out at Grade I and will be able to progress up to Grade V. At Grade V, Reaper's Bones Emissaries gain the power to see all other Emissary Ships on the Map Table, but without any indicator to their Company or Grade level. The Grade of a Reaper's Bones Emissary Ship will also be shown on the Map Table, so players are aware in advance if any Reaper's Bones Emissary is able to see their own Emissary Ship or not.
With each Emissary Grade, players will receive greater Rewards, Reaper's Bones Reputation and Emissary Value for any sold Treasure. Note that players do not get Emissary Grade Reputation from selling Items to the company. The following is a chart of the reward and value multiplier of Emissary Grades:
Emissary Grade | Rewards, Reputation & Emissary Value |
Grade 1 | Base Reward |
Grade 2 | +33% Base Reward |
Grade 3 | +67% Base Reward |
Grade 4 | +100% Base Reward |
Grade 5 | +150% Base Reward |
Emissary Reputation[]
Reaper's Bones Emissaries can gain Emissary Reputation and progress through Emissary Grades in the following ways:
- Picking up any Treasure for the first time; Stolen and Reaper's Bones Treasure will reward higher reputation
- Placing any Treasure on your Ship for the first time; Stolen and Reaper's Bones Treasure will reward higher reputation
- Killing other Emissary Player Pirates of any Company (gives reputation up to 3 times within 10 minutes)
- Selling Cargo Run Crates to the The Servant of the Flame
Things that do not give Emissary Grade Reputation for Reaper's Bones Emissaries:
- Selling Treasure (aside from Cargo Crates)
- Progressing through or completing any Voyages or Quests
- Picking up or putting Collector's Chests, Ammo Crates or Storage Crates on your Ship
- Killing Non-Emissary Ship Pirates
- Sinking any Trading Company Emissary or Non-Emissary Ships (Reputation is given for picking up the Broken Emissary Flags instead)
- Killing Emergent Skeleton Captains
- Completing Skeleton's Orders Quests.
- Completing World Events
- Sinking Emergent Skeleton Ships
- Defeating Megalodon or Kraken
Emissary Value & Ledger[]
Reaper's Bones Emissary Value is earned every time a Crew sells a Treasure item to The Servant of the Flame while flying a Reaper’s Bones Emissary Flag. Each Treasure Item has a set base Emissary Value. While Reaper's Bones Treasure Items reward Reaper's Bones Emissaries with plenty Emissary Value, selling Treasure Items of other Companies to the Reapers only yields a quarter of their original Emissary Value.
Crews get increased Emissary Value the higher the Grade of their Emissary Flag, with Grade 5 turn-ins rewarding double the base Emissary Value of any given Treasure Item (see above chart). Emissary Value acts as a Player Pirate's individual scoreboard with a Trading Company.
A player's Emissary Value is counted in their Emissary Ledger, which divides all of the Company's Emissaries into four Ranks based on their total Emissary Value. Each Emissary Rank accounts for a percentage of the Company's total Emissary Value holders. A single Emissary Ledger scoreboard remains active for one month, after which it will be closed and reset. At the close of a Ledger, every Player Pirate to place in the first or second top tier will be rewarded with exclusive Company Sails.
The Reaper's Bones Emissary Ranks and rewards are as follows:
Tiers | Rewards |
Follower |
Servant |
Keeper |
Master |
The following Commendations are achievable for the Reaper's Bones.
Commendations | |||
Image | Commendation | Requirements | Rewards |
Tributes Taken | Sell 480 Gold Hoarder Treasures to the Reaper's Bones.
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Secrets Stolen | Sell 480 Order of Souls Treasures to the Reaper's Bones.
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Cargo Captured | Deliver 480 Merchant Alliance Consignments to the Reaper's Bones.
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Legends Looted | Sell 250 Athena's Fortune Treasures to the Reaper's Bones.
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Emissary of Reapers | Become an Emissary for the Reaper's Bones. | ||
Worthy Emissary of Reapers | Reach Reaper's Bones Emissary Grade 2, 100 times.
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Dedicated Emissary of Reapers | Reach Reaper's Bones Emissary Grade 3, 80 times.
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Esteemed Emissary of Reapers | Reach Reaper's Bones Emissary Grade 4, 40 times.
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Unrivalled Emissary of Reapers | Reach Reaper's Bones Emissary Grade 5, 20 times.
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Plundered Prizes | Sell 600 of any Trading Company items while flying the Reaper's Bones Emissary Flag.
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Fearless Reaper | Sell 320 of any Trading Company items while flying a Grade 5 Reaper's Bones Emissary Flag.
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Following the Call | Sell 50 Reaper's Chests while flying the Reaper's Bones Emissary Flag.
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Filling the Coffers | Sell 50 Reaper's Bounties while flying the Reaper's Bones Emissary Flag.
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Reaper's Garb | Represent the Reaper's Bones through your appearance while sailing as an Emissary. | ||
Reaper's Livery | Represent the Reaper's Bones through your ship's appearance while sailing as an Emissary. | ||
Reapers Through and Through | As Emissaries, fully represent the Reaper's Bones through your crew and your ship's appearance. | ||
Reaper's Bones Disciplined | As an Emissary, sell 25 plundered Reaper's Bones Emissary Flags to the Reaper's Bones. | ||
Reaper's Bones Reaped | As an Emissary, sell 5 plundered Grade 5 Reaper's Bones Emissary Flags to the Reaper's Bones. | ||
Gold Hoarders Tarnished | As an Emissary, sell 25 plundered Gold Hoarders Emissary Flags to the Reaper's Bones. | ||
Gold Hoarders Outshined | As an Emissary, sell 5 plundered Grade 5 Gold Hoarders Emissary Flags to the Reaper's Bones. | ![]() | |
Order of Souls Disordered | As an Emissary, sell 25 plundered Order of Souls Emissary Flags to the Reaper's Bones. | ||
Order of Souls Shamed | As an Emissary, sell 5 plundered Grade 5 Order of Souls Emissary Flags to the Reaper's Bones. | ![]() | |
Merchant Alliance Pillaged | As an Emissary, sell 25 plundered Merchant Alliance Emissary Flags to the Reaper's Bones. | ||
Merchant Alliance Ransacked | As an Emissary, sell 5 plundered Grade 5 Merchant Alliance Emissary Flags to the Reaper's Bones. | ![]() | |
Athena's Fortune Humbled | As an Emissary, sell 25 plundered Athena's Fortune Emissary Flags to the Reaper's Bones. | ||
Athena's Fortune Dishonoured | As an Emissary, sell 5 plundered Grade 5 Athena's Fortune Emissary Flags to the Reaper's Bones. | ||
Reaper of Ancient Tributes | Sell 20 Chests of Ancient Tributes to the Reaper's Bones
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Finders, Reapers... | Sell 20 recovered Ship Manifests to the Reaper's Bones
- There's no Letter of Recommendation for The Reaper's Bones.