Sea of Thieves Wiki

Silvered Cup
Silvered Cup
Type Artefact
Company Gold Hoarders icon Gold Hoarders
Sell to Hoarders or
The Servant of the Flame
Base Gold Reward 140 - 260 Gold
Emissary Value 600

The Silvered Cup is a type of Artefact in Sea of Thieves. Artefacts are trinkets made out of various precious metals and adorned with valuable jewels. As such they are coveted by the Gold Hoarders who are willing to buy them for Gold at any Outpost. Selling Artefacts also increases the Player's Reputation with the Company.

Where to Find[]

Silvered Cups can be found from the following sources:


Silvered Cups can be sold to:

The following is the reward chart for the sold Trinket:

Emissary Grade Gold (Min.) Gold (Max.) Emissary Value
No Emissary 140 Gold 260 Gold 0
I 140 Gold 260 Gold 600
II 186 Gold 345 Gold 798
III 233 Gold 434 Gold 1002
IV 280 Gold 520 Gold 1200
V 350 Gold 650 Gold 1500


Related Commendations[]

Gold Hoarders Commendations:

Reaper's Bones Commendations:

Pirate Chat[]

Here is the Pirate Chat Wheel of the Artefact:

Silvered Cup Wheel
