Sea of Thieves Wiki

Sloop icon
Crew Max of 2
Cannons 2
Length Cleats 2 Rigs
Angle Pulleys 2 Rigs
Food 2 Barrels (16 Stock)
Cannonballs 2 Barrels (80 Stock 40 in each)
Planks 1 Barrel (35 Stock)

The Sloop is the smallest Ship type in Sea of Thieves. Choosing the Sloop at the start of the game will allow yourself and up to one other player to comprise the crew.

Sloops are small ships, trading increased fragility for better maneuverability. With fewer Cannons than a Brigantine or a Galleon, Sloops may find themselves disadvantaged in battles of attrition, however capable deckhands can maneuver their Sloop to advantageous positions and take down bigger ships with careful positioning and firing placement. The sloop was also designed to take less damage from any ram attack and deal more damage when ramming, as a balance to its limited firepower. The Sloop has a single-masted split-deck design and can be maintained by just one person. The sloop has two decks in the stern with the upper deck for helm and sail controls and lower deck for the Map Table, Voyage Table, Weapon and Ammo Chest. At the bow, the upper deck holds the Cannons and two Cannonball Barrels, while the lower deck houses a single Wood Barrel, two Food Barrels, and a Stove. The lower deck also features a mattress occupying a space that previously held a Brig. Holes in the front of the Sloop will be below the waterline and take in water. Holes in the rear of the Sloop will be just above the waterline and only take on small amounts of water unless the lower deck is flooded or the ship is hit with a Ballastball. This means that the Sloop has an advantage over the larger Brigantine as it takes longer to sink. Since the Sloop has only one sail, it has a major advantage in sailing into the wind when being chased by larger ships.

The Sloop can be identified at a distance by its single mast and mainsail.



Patch history[]

  • 2.6.1 (September 1, 2022)
    • Players can no longer intersect with the fence on the stairs leading to the top deck of a Sloop.
  • 2.6.0 (August 4, 2022)
    • Added new spots to put trinkets.
    • Added a Captain's Logbook onto the Voyage Table.
    • Reduced Cannonball Knockback on Sloops - Players aboard a Sloop will find that the knockback from cannonball splash damage no longer propels them so far into the air, preventing them from being so easily sent overboard. However, they will still be knocked back and disorientated by the blast.
    • Sloop Mast Damage Rebalance - A Sloopā€™s mast is now more resilient than other ship types, taking two chainshot strikes or three cannonballs before being toppled. Initial strikes will still damage the mast and can be repaired individually. The masts on Brigantines and Galleons remain unchanged.
    • Disabling Sloop Mast Friendly Fire - Chainshots will no longer damage the masts of playersā€™ own ships when fired upwards from a cannon on the deck.
    • Additional Sloop Respawn Locations - New respawn locations have been added around the Sloop, providing more variety in where crew members will return from the Ferry of the Damned. The vulnerable helm location has also been modified to give returning players more visibility over the surrounding area.
    • The Pet Cage door aboard a Sloop should now be connected to the cage.
  • 2.5.2 (May 12, 2022)
    • Added a shelf over the Bed.
  • 2.5.0 (March 10, 2022)
    • The lantern hanging above the Sloopā€™s map table should no longer be accidentally used when players are attempting to interact with the map table.
  • 2.4.0 (December 2, 2021)
    • Added spots to sit at which include the Map Table, Bowsprit, back of the ship, and more.
    • Items dropped from the Harpoon when the Harpoon is angled in the air will no longer become unreachable.
    • When travelling through the Tunnels of the Damned on a Sloop, the ghosts on the lower deck can now be seen using the comfy mattress.
    • The wall next to the Sloop's new bed now takes impact from weapon damage.
  • 2.3.2 (November 11, 2021)
    • Replaced Brig with a comfy mattress.
  • 2.0.7 (September 11, 2019)
    • Added a Pet Chest into the bottom of the ship.
  • 2.0.5 (July 17, 2019)
    • Added 2 Hatches at the back of the ship on the left and right side of the ship.
  • 2.0.4 (June 19, 2019)
    • Direct hits to a shipā€™s capstan will no longer cause the capstan to drop, although it will continue to take damage.
  • 2.0 (April 30, 2019)
  • 1.4.3 (February 6, 2019)
    • Added cutouts to the hull near the bow of the ship.
  • 1.3.2 (October 31, 2018)
    • Players can no longer shoot through lower hull of the Sloop.
  • 1.3.1 (October 10, 2018)
    • Flooding at the back of a Sloop will appear visually correct when sinking.
  • 1.1.8 (July 26, 2018)
    • Players no longer clip out of the Sloop when interacting with Banana/Food Barrel.
  • 1.1.7 (July 19, 2018)
    • Players can no longer drop crates behind the clothing and equipment chest on the Sloop.
  • 1.0.6 (May 1, 2018)
    • Sneaky Climbing - The bell on the small ship has been moved to the other side of the ladder, to avoid accidental ringing.
    • Loot items can no longer be dropped behind the Captainā€™s table on the small ship when trying to place them on the table.
  • 1.0.1 (March 27, 2018)
    • Drastically reduced the likelihood of tearing when using the small ship.
  • Error: Patch version not found! An issue exists with the inputted patch name, please check that an existing version has been used.