Sea of Thieves Wiki

Location Armoury

Weapons are items used for combat against enemies or other players. A player can carry 2 out of the 7 available weapons at any time. Weapons may be swapped using an Armoury found on all ships, on the Ferry of the Damned, and outside the entrance of Weaponsmith's Shops.

All new players will automatically have the basic Sailor Cutlass, Sailor Pistol, Sailor Blunderbuss, Sailor Eye of Reach, Sailor Double Barrel Pistol and Sailor Throwing knifes available for use from the very start, with the Cutlass and Flintlock equipped by default.

The Flintlock, Blunderbuss, Eye of Reach and Throwing Knifes each hold 5 shots worth of ammunition at one time while the Double barrel holds 6, These can be refilled when used up. Ammo can be refilled at an Ammo Chest, Ammo Crate or ammo pouch.

Alternate cosmetic variants of each weapon are available for purchase from the Weaponsmith's Shop. In general, all cosmetic variants function identically, and differ only cosmetically. However shape and size may vary slightly. Certain variants of the Flintlock offer an iron sight, while certain variants of the Eye of Reach have uniquely coloured scope lens.

Cannons are stationary weapons that appear mounted on all Ships, and at most Forts and Large Islands.

Tridents of Dark Tides can be found anywhere in the Sea of Thieves, and during the A Pirate's Life Tall Tales. These tridents can fire charged bubble shots.

Types of Weapons[]

There are currently eight different weapons in the Sea of Thieves:


Main article: Cutlass

The Cutlass is a sword with a variety of special maneuvers, and was the only melee weapon in the game prior to the introduction of the Throwing Knives. A player can swing, block and dodge, connect three-point sword combos and charge or lunge at the foe with the Cutlass. This makes it the most versatile out of all the weapons, with special hidden maneuvers known only to the most skilled of swordsmen. A single slashing attack deals 25% damage, while a lunge attack deals 60% damage, There is also a trick Where if the Player jumps when they hear the Lunge noise They can Jump high Over an Enemy While not taking damage.


Main article: Flintlock

The Flintlock is a mid-range pistol. This weapon fires and reloads faster than both the Eye of Reach and the Blunderbuss, but deals less damage. When fired, the bullet follows a steep arc which requires very precise aim over long distances. For this reason, it's considered somewhat unreliable as a long-ranged weapon. Though, the Flintlock retains most of its accuracy when hip-firing which makes it an ideal sidearm for close and mid-range combat. A single Flintlock shot deals 55% damage. Quick kills can be achieved when following a shot with a BlunderBomb.


Main article: Blunderbuss

The Blunderbuss is a shotgun-type firearm which shoots a cluster of pellets from its broad muzzle. This weapon is ineffective at long range, however once the enemy is close enough, it becomes very deadly. The Blunderbuss is most effective when aiming before firing, as this reduces the spread of the pellets. A hit from the Blunderbuss will knock-back the enemy, making this weapon ideal for defending ships from boarders, as well as an effective weapon for boarding Sloops and Brigantines as it can be used to easily knock Pirates off their ships. The spray contains 10 pellets, each dealing 9% damage.

Eye of Reach[]

Eye of Reach
Main article: Eye of Reach

The Eye of Reach is a long-range rifle with a mounted scope. The cracks in the scope act as cross-hairs to aid in a Pirate's accuracy. The Eye of Reach is ideal for picking off enemies from long distances. Hip-firing an Eye of Reach is far more likely to miss than when aiming down the Scope, making this weapon difficult to use in close-range. The Eye of Reach is very powerful, dealing 70% damage in a single shot, which makes it very effective against enemy boarders trying to swim towards your ship or for picking off Skeletons at a distance. Like the Spyglass, the scope on the Eye of Reach will reflect the Sun or Moonlight, giving away your position from afar. For this reason, it is to be used sparingly when stealth is required.

Double Barrel Pistol[]

Throwing Knives[]

Grapple Gun[]



Here are all the different Cosmetic Variants of the four main weapons.


  • Total Cost: 4,870,870 Gold  2,195 Doubloons  6,125 Ancient Coins
Image Name Source Cost Requires Set In-game description
Accomplished Parrot Cutlass
Accomplished Parrot Cutlass Armoury
n/a Accomplished "Lunging through the air with this won't make you soar like a parrot, but it's a start."
Aristocrat Cutlass
Aristocrat Cutlass Weaponsmith's Shop 50 Doubloons n/a Aristocrat "You may be fancy, but you can put up a fight too with this charming chopper."
Athena's Might Cutlass
Athena's Might Cutlass Weaponsmith's Shop 2,000 Doubloons
Standalone Cosmetics "Becoming a Pirate Legend isn't easy, and neither is wielding this heavy sword. Put your back into it!"
Barrel Bombardier Cutlass
Barrel Bombardier Cutlass Pirate Emporium 249 Ancient Coins n/a Barrel Bombardier "Bodged together from the smouldering remains of a weaponsmith's workshop, this crude cutlass reeks of gunpowder. And grog."
Black Dog Cutlass
Black Dog Cutlass Armoury
n/a Black Dog "Like a shadowy tongue, flicking out and sucking life. Just don't accidentally cut yourself."
Bleakheart Banshee Cutlass
Bleakheart Banshee Cutlass Pirate Emporium 249 Ancient Coins n/a Bleakheart Banshee "A blade honed to cleave a heart as cleanly as that of the forlorn spirit whose family once owned it."
Bone Crusher Cutlass
Bone Crusher Cutlass Duke 15 Doubloons n/a Bone Crusher "This sword cuts right to the bone."
Briggsy's Sword
Briggsy's Sword Armoury
The Cursed Rogue Commendation Briggsy's "The resplendent sword of the Skeleton Lord Briggsy, as sharp as it is shiny."
Captain Bones' Original Pirate Cutlass
Captain Bones' Original Pirate Cutlass Armoury
n/a Standalone Cosmetics "This vicious sharp-tongued cutlass is a trophy of a year well-spent in pirate paradise."
Crimson Crypt Cutlass
Crimson Crypt Cutlass Pirate Emporium 249 Ancient Coins n/a Crimson Crypt "Wielders of this scarlet-edged blade gain an insatiable thirst for red liquid. Here’s hoping it’s pomegranate juice."
Cronch Cutlass
Cronch Cutlass Pirate Emporium 249 Ancient Coins n/a Cronch "Peel back for a mighty swing and take a bite out of your enemies."
Cursed Adventurer Cutlass
Cursed Adventurer Cutlass Armoury
Standalone Cosmetics "A gem-studded, gold-bladed weapon inspired by the legend of Captain Briggsy. It never asked to be curved!"
Cursed Ferryman Cutlass
Cursed Ferryman Cutlass Pirate Emporium 249 Ancient Coins n/a Cursed Ferryman "The handle is shaped like a cephalopod. The blade is shaped like something sharp and pointy."
Cutlass of Courage
Cutlass of Courage Armoury
n/a Courage "The Cutlass of Courage is so named because it's actually terribly blunt."
Cutlass of the Damned
Cutlass of the Damned Armoury
n/a Ferry of the Damned "A pirate who seriously mistimed their sword lunge took this weapon with them to the Ferry, and left it there."
Cutlass of The Wailing Barnacle
Cutlass of The Wailing Barnacle Duke 15 Doubloons n/a Wailing Barnacle "From the wreck of the Wailing Barnacle, this blade seems fun but has a treacherous legacy..."
Cutthroat Cutlass
Cutthroat Cutlass Pirate Emporium 249 Ancient Coins n/a Cutthroat "From two-headed ogres to towering gargoyles, this cruel cutlass is said to have felled all manner of legendary foes."
Dark Warsmith Cutlass
Dark Warsmith Cutlass Pirate Emporium 249 Ancient Coins n/a Dark Warsmith "This cutlass glows so fiercely, it could almost be straight from a weaponsmith's forge."
Eastern Winds Sapphire Cutlass
Eastern Winds Sapphire Cutlass Armoury
n/a Eastern Winds Sapphire "With its masterfully honed edge, this cutlass cuts as cleanly as a dragon's talons."
Ebon Rapier Armoury
n/a Black Dog "A slender sword that's so aerodynamic, you can practically slice the ocean winds in two with it."
Emerald Ocean Crawler Cutlass
Emerald Ocean Crawler Cutlass Armoury
n/a Standalone Cosmetics "Give your enemies a taste of a biting claw, just like a human fiddler crab!"
Eternal Freedom Cutlass
Eternal Freedom Cutlass Pirate Emporium 249 Ancient Coins n/a Eternal Freedom "Some swords are forged to celebrate a Commodore's promotion. Others, to help you steal things."
Fearless Bone Crusher Cutlass
Fearless Bone Crusher Cutlass Weaponsmith's Shop 50 Doubloons n/a Fearless Bone Crusher "This sword cuts right to the bone."
Ferryman Cutlass
Ferryman Cutlass Armoury
n/a Ferryman "Personally sharpened up by the Ferry captain to prevent future visits to his ship."
Festival of Giving Cutlass
Festival of Giving Cutlass Pirate Emporium 249 Ancient Coins n/a Festival of Giving "This is the time of year for giving. Sticking a cutlass in someone counts, right?"
Flameheart's Cutlass
Flameheart's Cutlass Armoury
Flameheart's "A particularly cruel cutlass, and the last thing many pirates who stood against Flameheart ever got to see."
Forsaken Ashes Cutlass
Forsaken Ashes Cutlass Duke 15 Doubloons Devil's Cartographer Title Forsaken Ashes "Hot from the forge, this cutlass will cut through pirates like a knife through butter."
Frozen Horizon Cutlass
Frozen Horizon Cutlass Pirate Emporium 249 Ancient Coins n/a Frozen Horizon "Bring a dash of polar panache to the Sea of Thieves with this distinctive cutlass."
Gilded Phoenix Cutlass
Gilded Phoenix Cutlass Armoury
n/a Gilded Phoenix "A cutlass for a truly majestic pirate: shining, lustrous and sharp as a tavern keeper's tongue."
Golden Nile Cutlass
Golden Nile Cutlass Pirate Emporium 249 Ancient Coins n/a Golden Nile "This glittering blade is as sharp as the bite of a toothy tyrant. Enemies beware!"
Graveyard Gladiator Cutlass
Graveyard Gladiator Cutlass Pirate Emporium 249 Ancient Coins n/a Graveyard Gladiator "A durable, no-nonsense blade for dispatching enemies in single combat. Also butters toast beautifully."
Islehopper Outlaw Cutlass
Islehopper Outlaw Cutlass Pirate Emporium 149 Ancient Coins n/a Islehopper Outlaw "With a serrated blade that glows in the dark, this cutlass was not made for silent, cloak-and-dagger assassinations."
Jack O' Looter Cutlass
Jack O' Looter Cutlass Pirate Emporium 249 Ancient Coins n/a Jack O' Looter "An implement perfectly suited to scything through your enemies and harvesting their loot."
Jailor's Cutlass
Jailor's Cutlass Armoury
n/a Standalone Cosmetics "A sword plundered from the merciless Phantom Jailor who imprisoned Wonda and her friends."
Legendary Spirit Cutlass
Legendary Spirit Cutlass Armoury
n/a Legendary Spirit "Fear not; though ethereal, this cutlass blocks and bites as truly as any earthly steel."
Lionfish Cutlass
Lionfish Cutlass Pirate Emporium 249 Ancient Coins n/a Lionfish "While this cutlass' spines may not be venomous, getting poked with one doesn't half sting."
Lodestar Cutlass
Lodestar Cutlass Pirate Emporium 249 Ancient Coins n/a Lodestar "Cut through the darkness with this starry sword. Also works great as a night-light."
Lunar Festival Cutlass
Lunar Festival Cutlass Pirate Emporium 249 Ancient Coins n/a Lunar Festival "New Year, new you. Give your old cutlass the chop and swashbuckle with class!."
Mandrake Cutlass
Mandrake Cutlass Pirate Emporium 249 Ancient Coins n/a Mandrake "Thanks to the ravenous plant that grows from this brass blade, it quite literally thirsts for blood."
Masked Renegade Cutlass
Masked Renegade Cutlass Armoury
n/a Masked Renegade "A stout, heavy blade, ideal for cutting down any Emissary that stands in your way."
Merchant Ambassador Cutlass
Merchant Ambassador Cutlass Armoury
n/a Merchant Ambassador "A blade that's smart without being too ostentatious - just as any Merchant should be."
Merrick's Cutlass
Merrick's Cutlass Armoury
Merrick's "A unique sword design created by Merrick. It looks just as useful for spear-fishing as it does for fighting."
Prehistoric Plunderer Cutlass
Prehistoric Plunderer Cutlass Pirate Emporium 249 Ancient Coins n/a Prehistoric Plunderer "This fossilised blade really belongs in a museum - where it would no doubt be stolen back by pirate antiquarians."
Reaper's Heart Cutlass
Reaper's Heart Cutlass Pirate Emporium 249 Ancient Coins n/a Reaper's Heart "A bit romantic, a bit wicked. For pirates with broken hearts, or who plan to break some."
Relic of Darkness Cutlass
Relic of Darkness Cutlass Armoury
n/a Relic of Darkness "A blade that's been slightly weathered from striking skeletons. Many, many skeletons..."
Revenge of the Silver Blade Cutlass
Revenge of the Silver Blade Cutlass Armoury
The Sunken Pearl Commendation Revenge of the Silver Blade "A cutlass once salvaged from the wreck of a ship captured by Sirens. Wield it with pride!"
Rogue Tinkerer Cutlass
Rogue Tinkerer Cutlass Pirate Emporium 249 Ancient Coins n/a Rogue Tinkerer "As the professionals like to say, 'measure twice, cutlass once'."
Royal Revenge Cutlass
Royal Revenge Cutlass Pirate Emporium 249 Ancient Coins n/a Royal Revenge "A sword inspired by legends of a lost undersea city, passed down from pirate to pirate."
Ruby Viper Cutlass Armoury
n/a Ruby Viper
Sailor Cutlass
Sailor Cutlass Armoury
n/a Sailor "Some say a pirate is defined by his sword. If so, then this makes you a very average pirate."
Sapphire Blade Cutlass
Sapphire Blade Cutlass Armoury
n/a Sapphire Blade "When you skirt the edges of the map, ensure that the edge of your sword is sharp."
Sea of Sands Cutlass
Sea of Sands Cutlass Pirate Emporium 249 Ancient Coins n/a Sea of Sands "A sharp, ornate cutlass favoured by pirates from the desert kingdom."
Seaglass Rapier
Seaglass Rapier Armoury
n/a Standalone Cosmetics "Honed to a razor's edge by the ceaseless tides, this blade's delicacy belies its danger."
Shining Pegasus Cutlass
Shining Pegasus Cutlass Pirate Emporium 249 Ancient Coins n/a Shining Pegasus "A sword with a particularly thin blade, able to slice through the air at a deadly speed."
Silver Blade Cutlass
Silver Blade Cutlass Armoury
n/a Silver Blade "When you skirt the edges of the map, ensure that the edge of your sword is sharp."
Stranger's Cutlass
Stranger's Cutlass Armoury
Standalone Cosmetics "The sword of a Mysterious Stranger loyal to Athena's Fortune. She left the tavern, and her current whereabouts are unknown..."
Sword of Souls
Sword of Souls Armoury
The Seabound Soul Commendation Standalone Cosmetics "This blessed blade has helped Sir Pendragon vanquish or free many lost souls. May it serve you well!"
Tribute Peak Cutlass
Tribute Peak Cutlass Armoury
n/a Tribute Peak "A stunning blade created by dipping an emerald shard into a crucible filled with molten gold."
Twilight Hunter Cutlass
Twilight Hunter Cutlass Armoury
n/a Twilight Hunter "Get up-close and personal when you gut your enemies."
Wild Rose Cutlass
Wild Rose Cutlass Weaponsmith's Shop 50 Doubloons n/a Wild Rose "Gifted to Rose by her paramour George, designed to complement her beauty… and sharpness."
Wrecker Wrangler Cutlass
Wrecker Wrangler Cutlass Pirate Emporium 249 Ancient Coins n/a Wrecker Wrangler "The glowing bit on the sharp end makes it delightfully easy to see who or what you're stabbing."
Measly Sea Dog Cutlass
Measly Sea Dog Cutlass Sea Dogs 700 Gold
5 5
Glorious Sea Dog "The measly starter sword of a fighting Sea Dog, just sharp enough to get you through a fight."
Notable Sea Dog Cutlass
Notable Sea Dog Cutlass Sea Dogs 1,400 Gold
15 15
Glorious Sea Dog "Our notable Sea Dogs get these stronger swords, because there's always a stronger rival."
Ruby Stinger Cutlass
Ruby Stinger Cutlass Armoury 1,500 Gold n/a Standalone Cosmetics "A sword with a blade that shines a brilliant red, even when it's been cleaned."
Renowned Sea Dog Cutlass
Renowned Sea Dog Cutlass Sea Dogs 2,100 Gold
25 25
Glorious Sea Dog "You've proven your worth in our Arena, so give your sword some Sea Dog flourish!"
Esteemed Sea Dog Cutlass
Esteemed Sea Dog Cutlass Sea Dogs 2,800 Gold
35 35
Glorious Sea Dog "Sea dogs always fight with style! This eyecatching cutlass for an esteemed pirate ensures that."
Notorious Sea Dog Cutlass
Notorious Sea Dog Cutlass Sea Dogs 3,500 Gold
45 45
Glorious Sea Dog "The notorious DeMarco himself would be proud to peacock with this ostentatious cutlass!"
Admiral Cutlass
Admiral Cutlass Weaponsmith's Shop 7,000 Gold n/a Admiral "Give those ill-disciplined Skeleton rabble a taste of authority. If that fails, run away!"
Bilge Rat Cutlass
Bilge Rat Cutlass Weaponsmith's Shop 7,000 Gold n/a Bilge Rat "Full of notches, but it's still got plenty of space to collect lots more."
Ceremonial Admiral Cutlass
Ceremonial Admiral Cutlass Weaponsmith's Shop 7,000 Gold
48 48
Ceremonial Admiral "Give those ill-disciplined Skeleton rabble a taste of authority. If that fails, run away!"
Hunter Cutlass
Hunter Cutlass Weaponsmith's Shop 7,000 Gold n/a Hunter "Get up-close and personal when you gut your enemies."
Legendary Cutlass
Legendary Cutlass Athena's Fortune Shop 7,000 Gold
Legendary Sea Dog Title
Legendary "With this handsome and deadly sword, how could a legend be ignored?"
Legendary Fortune Cutlass
Legendary Fortune Cutlass Athena's Fortune Shop 7,000 Gold
29 29
Legendary Fortune "With this handsome and deadly sword, how could a legend be ignored?"
Mercenary Cutlass
Mercenary Cutlass Weaponsmith's Shop 7,000 Gold n/a Mercenary "A blade that's certainly more trustworthy than you are, sellsword."
Rogue Sea Dog Cutlass
Rogue Sea Dog Cutlass Weaponsmith's Shop 7,000 Gold
48 48
Rogue Sea Dog "Rivals have been known to leap into shark infested waters to escape this menacing blade."
Royal Sovereign Cutlass
Royal Sovereign Cutlass Weaponsmith's Shop 7,000 Gold
48 48
Royal Sovereign "Its fine engraving should bewitch those Skeletons into believing you are a master of the blade."
Sea Dog Cutlass
Sea Dog Cutlass Weaponsmith's Shop 7,000 Gold n/a Sea Dog "Rivals have been known to leap into shark infested waters to escape this menacing blade."
Sovereign Cutlass
Sovereign Cutlass Weaponsmith's Shop 7,000 Gold n/a Sovereign "Its fine engraving should bewitch those Skeletons into believing you are a master of the blade."
Azure Ocean Crawler Cutlass
Azure Ocean Crawler Cutlass Weaponsmith's Shop 9,900 Gold Hunter of Trophy Fish Commendation Azure Ocean Crawler "Give your enemies a taste of a biting claw, just like a human fiddler crab!"
Cutlass of the Ashen Dragon
Cutlass of the Ashen Dragon Weaponsmith's Shop 9,900 Gold Tome of Curses Collector Commendation Ashen Dragon "Biting with the fiery rage of a dragon, this cutlass will cleave through any challenger."
Kraken Cutlass
Kraken Cutlass Weaponsmith's Shop 9,900 Gold n/a Kraken "Adorned with a Kraken eye, this blade seems to stare into your foe's soul as it takes it."
Ocean Crawler Cutlass
Ocean Crawler Cutlass Weaponsmith's Shop 9,900 Gold n/a Ocean Crawler "Give your enemies a taste of a biting claw, just like a human fiddler crab!"
Parrot Cutlass
Parrot Cutlass Weaponsmith's Shop 9,900 Gold n/a Parrot "Colourful Cutlass Carves Curious Corsairs! Is the Pirate Times headline you should be aiming for."
Party Boat Cutlass
Party Boat Cutlass Weaponsmith's Shop 9,900 Gold Stolen Secrets Commendation Party Boat "Is this a sword or a skewer? Either way, you won't miss any feasting because of a fight."
Scorched Forsaken Ashes Cutlass
Scorched Forsaken Ashes Cutlass Weaponsmith's Shop 9,900 Gold Hunter of Captain Grimm Commendation Scorched Forsaken Ashes "Hot from the forge, this cutlass will cut through pirates like a knife through butter."
Seared Forsaken Ashes Cutlass
Seared Forsaken Ashes Cutlass Weaponsmith's Shop 9,900 Gold Hunter of Captain Grimm Commendation Seared Forsaken Ashes "Hot from the forge, this cutlass will cut through pirates like a knife through butter."
Castaway Bilge Rat Cutlass
Castaway Bilge Rat Cutlass Weaponsmith's Shop 10,000 Gold n/a Castaway Bilge Rat "Full of notches, but it's still got plenty of space to collect lots more."
Grand Admiral Cutlass
Grand Admiral Cutlass Weaponsmith's Shop 10,000 Gold n/a Grand Admiral "Give those ill-disciplined Skeleton rabble a taste of authority. If that fails, run away!"
Imperial Sovereign Cutlass
Imperial Sovereign Cutlass Weaponsmith's Shop 10,000 Gold n/a Imperial Sovereign "Its fine engraving should bewitch those Skeletons into believing you are a master of the blade."
Ruffian Sea Dog Cutlass
Ruffian Sea Dog Cutlass Weaponsmith's Shop 10,000 Gold n/a Ruffian Sea Dog "Rivals have been known to leap into shark infested waters to escape this menacing blade."
Cutlass of Sunken Sorrow
Cutlass of Sunken Sorrow Weaponsmith's Shop 19,800 Gold Conqueror of the Sunken Kingdom Commendation Sunken Sorrow "An antique weapon, lost under the waves for so long that it has become encrusted with coral."
Scurvy Bilge Rat Cutlass
Scurvy Bilge Rat Cutlass Weaponsmith's Shop 20,000 Gold n/a Scurvy Bilge Rat "Full of notches, but it's still got plenty of space to collect lots more."
Ancient Cutlass
Ancient Cutlass Athena's Fortune Shop 49,750 Gold
Veil Seeker Commendation
Veil of the Ancients "The Ancients strived for balance in all things, especially swords."
Ghost Cutlass
Ghost Cutlass Athena's Fortune Shop 49,750 Gold
20 20
Ghost "Fear not; though ethereal, this cutlass blocks and bites as truly as any earthly steel."
Servant of the Flame Cutlass
Servant of the Flame Cutlass Athena's Fortune Shop 49,750 Gold
Master Banisher Commendation
Servant of the Flame "A true Reaper requires an illustrious blade. Only the best for the Servant, and for you."
Triumphant Sea Dog Cutlass
Triumphant Sea Dog Cutlass Weaponsmith's Shop 57,620 Gold Skilled Swashbuckling Sea Dog Commendation Triumphant Sea Dog "A cutlass with style and flair, for pirates with style and flair, to be used with style and flair."
Deep Ocean Crawler Cutlass
Deep Ocean Crawler Cutlass Weaponsmith's Shop 63,000 Gold n/a Deep Ocean Crawler "Give your enemies a taste of a biting claw, just like a human fiddler crab!"
Inky Kraken Cutlass
Inky Kraken Cutlass Weaponsmith's Shop 63,000 Gold n/a Inky Kraken "Adorned with a Kraken eye, this blade seems to stare into your foe's soul as it takes it."
Nightshine Parrot Cutlass
Nightshine Parrot Cutlass Weaponsmith's Shop 63,000 Gold n/a Nightshine Parrot "Colourful Cutlass Carves Curious Corsairs! Is the Pirate Times headline you should be aiming for."
Cultured Aristocrat Cutlass
Cultured Aristocrat Cutlass Weaponsmith's Shop 94,500 Gold The Curse Of The Pacifists Demise Commendation Cultured Aristocrat "You may be fancy, but you can put up a fight too with this charming chopper."
Cutlass of the Silent Barnacle
Cutlass of the Silent Barnacle Weaponsmith's Shop 94,500 Gold Hoarder of Barnacled Gold Commendation The Silent Barnacle "From the wreck of the Silent Barnacle, this blade seems fun but has a treacherous legacy..."
Dawn Hunter Cutlass
Dawn Hunter Cutlass Weaponsmith's Shop 94,500 Gold Plundered Prizes Commendation Dawn Hunter "Get up-close and personal when you gut your enemies."
Eastern Winds Jade Cutlass
Eastern Winds Jade Cutlass Weaponsmith's Shop 94,500 Gold n/a Eastern Winds Jade "With its masterfully honed edge, this cutlass cuts as cleanly as a dragon's talons."
Sunshine Parrot Cutlass
Sunshine Parrot Cutlass Weaponsmith's Shop 94,500 Gold Legends of the Sea II Commendation Sunshine Parrot "Colourful Cutlass Carves Curious Corsairs! Is the Pirate Times headline you should be aiming for."
Thriving Wild Rose Cutlass
Thriving Wild Rose Cutlass Weaponsmith's Shop 94,500 Gold Always Yours Commendation Thriving Wild Rose "Gifted to Rose by her paramour George, designed to complement her beauty… and sharpness."
Venomous Kraken Cutlass
Venomous Kraken Cutlass Weaponsmith's Shop 94,500 Gold Legendary Kraken Hunter Commendation Venomous Kraken "Adorned with a Kraken eye, this blade seems to stare into your foe's soul as it takes it."
Cartographer Cutlass
Cartographer Cutlass Weaponsmith's Shop 125,000 Gold Treasures Fit For a King Commendation Cartographer "If you're grappling with grim enemies instead of geography, this sword will be as handy as a compass - only more pointy!"
Gold Hoarders Cutlass
Gold Hoarders Cutlass Weaponsmith's Shop 189,000 Gold Seeker of Ancient Vaults Commendation Gold Hoarders "The handle of this sword evokes the infamous skeleton keys the Gold Hoarders use as their emblem."
Order of Souls Cutlass
Order of Souls Cutlass Weaponsmith's Shop 200,000 Gold Seeker of Lost Souls Commendation Order of Souls "The Order of Souls possess many mystical tricks - but sometimes, they just need to slice things."
Soulflame Cutlass
Soulflame Cutlass Athena's Fortune Shop 500,000 Gold
Vanquishing the Damned Commendation
Soulflame "A cutlass that glows with damned firelight. Use it to send a few souls the Ferryman’s way."
Dark Adventurers Cutlass
Dark Adventurers Cutlass Athena's Fortune Shop 2,551,500 Gold
Dark Adventurers "The skull sigil on the blade offers your foes a glimpse of their imminent demise."


  • Total Cost: 5,275,895 Gold  270 Doubloons  6,125 Ancient Coins
Image Name Source Cost Requires Set In-game description
Aristocrat Pistol
Aristocrat Pistol Weaponsmith's Shop 75 Doubloons n/a Aristocrat "Gleaming decorations make this the fanciest flintlock around."
Barrel Bombardier Pistol
Barrel Bombardier Pistol Pirate Emporium 249 Ancient Coins n/a Barrel Bombardier "Don't worry about the bombs decorating this pistol, we're almost certain they've been deactivated."
Bleakheart Banshee Pistol
Bleakheart Banshee Pistol Pirate Emporium 249 Ancient Coins n/a Bleakheart Banshee "Cunningly refurbished with a candlestick claimed from the same ill-fated manor house. Pirates waste nothing."
Bone Crusher Pistol
Bone Crusher Pistol Duke 15 Doubloons n/a Bone Crusher "A bone-handled pistol. Death begets more death!"
Crimson Crypt Pistol
Crimson Crypt Pistol Pirate Emporium 249 Ancient Coins n/a Crimson Crypt "Be careful not to cut your fingers while handling this bat-winged pistol - who knows what curse you might unleash…"
Cronch Pistol
Cronch Pistol Pirate Emporium 249 Ancient Coins n/a Cronch "Could be useful in a standoff - people will think you're trying to bluff them."
Cursed Ferryman Pistol
Cursed Ferryman Pistol Pirate Emporium 249 Ancient Coins n/a Cursed Ferryman "You’re not imagining it - there’s definitely something fishy about this pistol…"
Cutthroat Pistol
Cutthroat Pistol Pirate Emporium 249 Ancient Coins n/a Cutthroat "The favoured pistol of an infamous duellist, this spiked sidearm earned them a strea of supreme victories."
Dark Warsmith Pistol
Dark Warsmith Pistol Pirate Emporium 249 Ancient Coins n/a Dark Warsmith "When pirates talk about 'the heat of battle', they may be referring to this fiery flintlock."
Eastern Winds Sapphire Pistol
Eastern Winds Sapphire Pistol Armoury
n/a Eastern Winds Sapphire "The twin dragons that decorate this pistol's barrel look like they're breathing fire with every shot."
Ebon Flintlock Pistol
Ebon Flintlock Pistol Armoury
n/a Black Dog "The chosen gun of Deadly Daley, but she did have arms like mainmasts to lift its heavy ebony handle."
Eternal Freedom Pistol
Eternal Freedom Pistol Pirate Emporium 249 Ancient Coins n/a Eternal Freedom "Not just a handy weapon in a fight, this pistol is ideal for startling michievous cursed monkeys."
Fearless Bone Crusher Pistol
Fearless Bone Crusher Pistol Weaponsmith's Shop 75 Doubloons n/a Fearless Bone Crusher "A bone-handled pistol. Death begets more death!"
Ferryman Pistol
Ferryman Pistol Armoury
n/a Ferryman "Once able to fire ten shots without reloading until the Pirate Lord deemed it unfair."
Festival of Giving Flintlock
Festival of Giving Flintlock Pirate Emporium 249 Ancient Coins n/a Festival of Giving "Doubles as a bell to jingle while singing festive shanties in the tavern."
Flamingo Pistol
Flamingo Pistol Armoury
n/a Standalone Cosmetics "You could try standing on one leg while firing this flintlock, but it's not recommended."
Forsaken Ashes Flintlock
Forsaken Ashes Flintlock Duke 15 Doubloons Devil's Cartographer Title Forsaken Ashes "They'll be eating hot lead after a shot from this pistol."
Frozen Horizon Pistol
Frozen Horizon Pistol Pirate Emporium 249 Ancient Coins n/a Frozen Horizon "Prove you're a cold-blooded killer by wielding this wintry weapon in combat."
Gilded Phoenix Pistol
Gilded Phoenix Pistol Armoury
n/a Gilded Phoenix "Any more gold and this pistol could blind the enemy with its glare as well as being deadly."
Golden Nile Pistol
Golden Nile Pistol Pirate Emporium 249 Ancient Coins n/a Golden Nile "A pistol forged by unknown hands in a distant land. Who knows what its true history be?"
Graveyard Gladiator Pistol
Graveyard Gladiator Pistol Pirate Emporium 249 Ancient Coins n/a Graveyard Gladiator "Adapted to match the costume after other gladiators made unnecessarily scathing fashion comments."
Islehopper Outlaw Pistol
Islehopper Outlaw Pistol Pirate Emporium 149 Ancient Coins n/a Islehopper Outlaw "Stealth is not in the vocabulary of the vandals who wield this luminous pistol. Neither is much else, to be honest."
Jack O' Looter Pistol
Jack O' Looter Pistol Pirate Emporium 249 Ancient Coins n/a Jack O' Looter "If you're facing a thorny problem, try a little wildness in your choice of weapon."
Legendary Spirit Pistol
Legendary Spirit Pistol Armoury
n/a Legendary Spirit "Pull the trigger to make more ghosts."
Lionfish Pistol
Lionfish Pistol Pirate Emporium 249 Ancient Coins n/a Lionfish "Don't be bamboozled by this kaleidoscopic pistol - you'll be seeing black if you end up on the wrong end of it."
Lodestar Pistol
Lodestar Pistol Pirate Emporium 249 Ancient Coins n/a Lodestar "The weaponsmith took the brief of ’shooting stars’ quite literally for this stellar sidearm."
Lunar Festival Pistol
Lunar Festival Pistol Pirate Emporium 249 Ancient Coins n/a Lunar Festival "The leather grip won't help your aim, but it will stop you spoiling the impact by dropping it."
Mandrake Pistol
Mandrake Pistol Pirate Emporium 249 Ancient Coins n/a Mandrake "Botanists are absolutely entranced by this palnt-based pistol. Some are already trying to grow their own armaments."
Masked Renegade Pistol
Masked Renegade Pistol Armoury
n/a Masked Renegade "Take on the Trading Companies and bring an end to their tyranny, one shot at a time..."
Merchant Ambassador Pistol
Merchant Ambassador Pistol Armoury
n/a Merchant Ambassador "Duels are a waste of time and resources. Sometimes, however, needs must..."
Pistol of Sunken Sorrow
Pistol of Sunken Sorrow Armoury
Dark Brethren Commendation Sunken Sorrow "Whether under the sea or climbing the highest mountain, it pays to have a trusty pistol at your side."
Pistol of the Damned
Pistol of the Damned Armoury
n/a Ferry of the Damned "Weapons are generally forbidden aboard the Ferry, so this pistol is practically unused. Until now..."
Pistol of the Wailing Barnacle
Pistol of the Wailing Barnacle Duke 15 Doubloons n/a Wailing Barnacle "This barnacle-encrusted pistol has sent many pirates to a watery grave."
Prehistoric Plunderer Pistol
Prehistoric Plunderer Pistol Pirate Emporium 249 Ancient Coins n/a Prehistoric Plunderer "Sudds claims that a meteor strike may have been what wiped out the dinosaurs. Help them get revenge by firing a tiny metal one at your enemies."
Reaper's Heart Pistol
Reaper's Heart Pistol Pirate Emporium 249 Ancient Coins n/a Reaper's Heart "There is a fine line between love and hate. Shooting someone tends to clarify things."
Relic of Darkness Pistol
Relic of Darkness Pistol Armoury
n/a Relic of Darkness "Created by the Order to shatter skeletons, but it works just as well against any other foe."
Rogue Tinkerer Pistol
Rogue Tinkerer Pistol Pirate Emporium 249 Ancient Coins n/a Rogue Tinkerer "A pistol once owned by a pirate who clearly had a low boredom threshold."
Royal Revenge Pistol
Royal Revenge Pistol Pirate Emporium 249 Ancient Coins n/a Royal Revenge "A weapon said to have been owned by a particularly cruel, not to mention hirsute, pirate captain."
Ruby Viper Pistol Armoury
n/a Ruby Viper
Sailor Pistol
Sailor Pistol Armoury
n/a Sailor "Comes with a guarantee that you will not find a more unremarkable looking pistol than this."
Sapphire Blade Pistol
Sapphire Blade Pistol Armoury
n/a Sapphire Blade "The unknown reaches of the world hold unknown foes, too. Go prepared."
Sea of Sands Pistol
Sea of Sands Pistol Pirate Emporium 249 Ancient Coins n/a Sea of Sands "With a pistol like this, you can make your own fortune and fate."
Shining Pegasus Pistol
Shining Pegasus Pistol Pirate Emporium 249 Ancient Coins n/a Shining Pegasus "Send your opponent's soul to the Underwurlde with a lethal shot from this pistol."
Silver Blade Flintlock Pistol
Silver Blade Flintlock Pistol Armoury
n/a Silver Blade "The unknown reaches of the world hold unknown foes, too. Go prepared."
Tribute Peak Pistol
Tribute Peak Pistol Armoury
n/a Tribute Peak "This precious pistol may actually be worth more than the treasure you'll take while using it."
Twilight Hunter Pistol
Twilight Hunter Pistol Armoury
n/a Twilight Hunter "Simple and effective, a no-nonsense instrument of death."
Wild Rose Flintlock
Wild Rose Flintlock Weaponsmith's Shop 75 Doubloons n/a Wild Rose "The elegant personal pistol of Wild Rose, responsible for many a visit to the Ferryman."
Wrecker Wrangler Pistol
Wrecker Wrangler Pistol Pirate Emporium 249 Ancient Coins n/a Wrecker Wrangler "Fish for a compliment before firing. If it's a good one, consider giving your target a five-second headstart."
Admiral Pistol
Admiral Pistol Weaponsmith's Shop 9,450 Gold n/a Admiral "A noble weapon that will serve you admirably during your distinguished pirating career."
Bilge Rat Pistol
Bilge Rat Pistol Weaponsmith's Shop 9,450 Gold n/a Bilge Rat "This previously owned pistol comes with a two hour or two shot guarantee, whichever occurs first."
Castaway Bilge Rat Pistol
Castaway Bilge Rat Pistol Weaponsmith's Shop 9,450 Gold n/a Castaway Bilge Rat "This previously owned pistol comes with a two hour or two shot guarantee, whichever occurs first."
Ceremonial Admiral Pistol
Ceremonial Admiral Pistol Weaponsmith's Shop 9,450 Gold
48 48
Ceremonial Admiral "A noble weapon that will serve you admirably during your distinguished pirating career."
Grand Admiral Pistol
Grand Admiral Pistol Weaponsmith's Shop 9,450 Gold n/a Grand Admiral "A noble weapon that will serve you admirably during your distinguished pirating career."
Hunter Pistol
Hunter Pistol Weaponsmith's Shop 9,450 Gold n/a Hunter "Simple and effective, a no-nonsense instrument of death."
Imperial Sovereign Pistol
Imperial Sovereign Pistol Weaponsmith's Shop 9,450 Gold n/a Imperial Sovereign "Does it work? We're not sure, but just look at that wonderfully ornate trigger."
Legendary Flintlock
Legendary Flintlock Athena's Fortune Shop 9,450 Gold
Legendary Sea Dog Title
Legendary "Ornate and precise is this deadly gun, in your skilled hands it's also great fun."
Legendary Fortune Pistol
Legendary Fortune Pistol Athena's Fortune Shop 9,450 Gold
21 21
Legendary Fortune "Ornate and precise is this deadly gun, in your skilled hands it's also great fun."
Mercenary Pistol
Mercenary Pistol Weaponsmith's Shop 9,450 Gold n/a Mercenary "Grabbin' Garner, king of the mercenaries, was known to fire solid gold shot from one of these."
Rogue Sea Dog Pistol
Rogue Sea Dog Pistol Weaponsmith's Shop 9,450 Gold
48 48
Rogue Sea Dog "It's design has remained stubbornly unchanged since the first pirate sailed into the Sea of Thieves."
Royal Sovereign Pistol
Royal Sovereign Pistol Weaponsmith's Shop 9,450 Gold
48 48
Royal Sovereign "Does it work? We're not sure, but just look at that wonderfully ornate trigger."
Ruffian Sea Dog Pistol
Ruffian Sea Dog Pistol Weaponsmith's Shop 9,450 Gold n/a Ruffian Sea Dog "It's design has remained stubbornly unchanged since the first pirate sailed into the Sea of Thieves."
Sea Dog Pistol
Sea Dog Pistol Weaponsmith's Shop 9,450 Gold n/a Sea Dog "It's design has remained stubbornly unchanged since the first pirate sailed into the Sea of Thieves."
Sovereign Pistol
Sovereign Pistol Weaponsmith's Shop 9,450 Gold n/a Sovereign "Does it work? We're not sure, but just look at that wonderfully ornate trigger."
Azure Ocean Crawler Pistol
Azure Ocean Crawler Pistol Weaponsmith's Shop 13,400 Gold Hunter of Trophy Fish Commendation Azure Ocean Crawler "After being hit by this pistol, the enemy will feel decidedly shell-shocked."
Glorious Sea Dog Flintlock Pistol
Glorious Sea Dog Flintlock Pistol Weaponsmith's Shop 13,400 Gold Sharpshooting Sea Dog Commendation Glorious Sea Dog "A classic weapon for duels and contests of skill. Master this and all else will follow."
Kraken Flintlock Pistol
Kraken Flintlock Pistol Weaponsmith's Shop 13,400 Gold n/a Kraken "A wicked Kraken flintlock, sure to invoke the same sense of impending death as the beast itself."
Ocean Crawler Flintlock Pistol
Ocean Crawler Flintlock Pistol Weaponsmith's Shop 13,400 Gold n/a Ocean Crawler "After being hit by this pistol, the enemy will feel decidedly shell-shocked."
Parrot Flintlock
Parrot Flintlock Weaponsmith's Shop 13,400 Gold n/a Parrot "A flintlock with flourish! Ever seen a parrot spit lead?"
Party Boat Flintlock
Party Boat Flintlock Weaponsmith's Shop 13,400 Gold Hunting Boat Commendation Party Boat "A pistol shaped like a firework rocket that's sure to leave your opponents seeing stars."
Pistol of the Ashen Dragon
Pistol of the Ashen Dragon Weaponsmith's Shop 13,400 Gold Tome of Power Collector Commendation Ashen Dragon "Sparks are sure to fly once this fiery pistol is drawn."
Scorched Forsaken Ashes Flintlock
Scorched Forsaken Ashes Flintlock Weaponsmith's Shop 13,400 Gold Hunter of Red Ruth Commendation Scorched Forsaken Ashes "They'll be eating hot lead after a shot from this pistol."
Seared Forsaken Ashes Pistol Weaponsmith's Shop 13,400 Gold Hunter of Warden Chi Commendation Seared Forsaken Ashes "They'll be eating hot lead after a shot from this pistol."
Scurvy Bilge Rat Pistol
Scurvy Bilge Rat Pistol Weaponsmith's Shop 27,000 Gold n/a Scurvy Bilge Rat "This previously owned pistol comes with a two hour or two shot guarantee, whichever occurs first."
Triumphant Sea Dog Flintlock Pistol
Triumphant Sea Dog Flintlock Pistol Weaponsmith's Shop 57,620 Gold Skilled Sharpshooting Sea Dog Commendation Triumphant Sea Dog "A classic weapon for duels and contests of skill. Master this and all else will follow."
Ancient Flintlock
Ancient Flintlock Athena's Fortune Shop 67,850 Gold
Obliquity of the Ecliptic Commendation
Veil of the Ancients "There's more than one way for pirates to enter the Sea of the Damned... and a good pistol is one of them."
Ghost Pistol
Ghost Pistol Athena's Fortune Shop 67,850 Gold
17 17
Ghost "Pull the trigger to make more ghosts."
Deep Ocean Crawler Flintlock
Deep Ocean Crawler Flintlock Weaponsmith's Shop 85,050 Gold n/a Deep Ocean Crawler "After being hit by this pistol, the enemy will feel decidedly shell-shocked."
Inky Kraken Flintlock Pistol
Inky Kraken Flintlock Pistol Weaponsmith's Shop 85,050 Gold n/a Inky Kraken "A wicked Kraken flintlock, sure to invoke the same sense of impending death as the beast itself."
Nightshine Parrot Flintlock
Nightshine Parrot Flintlock Weaponsmith's Shop 85,050 Gold n/a Nightshine Parrot "A flintlock with flourish! Ever seen a parrot spit lead?"
Cartographer Pistol
Cartographer Pistol Weaponsmith's Shop 125,000 Gold Treasured Company Commendation Cartographer "With a love of lines and points, this flintlock will really put you on the map!"
Cultured Aristocrat Pistol
Cultured Aristocrat Pistol Weaponsmith's Shop 127,575 Gold The Curse Of The Pacifists Demise Commendation Cultured Aristocrat "Gleaming decorations make this the fanciest flintlock around."
Dawn Hunter Pistol
Dawn Hunter Pistol Weaponsmith's Shop 127,575 Gold Plundered Prizes Commendation Dawn Hunter "Take out your enemies from a distance. They'll never see you coming."
Eastern Winds Jade Pistol
Eastern Winds Jade Pistol Weaponsmith's Shop 127,575 Gold n/a Eastern Winds Jade "The twin dragons that decorate this pistol's barrel look like they're breathing fire with every shot."
Pistol of the Silent Barnacle
Pistol of the Silent Barnacle Weaponsmith's Shop 127,575 Gold Hoarder of Barnacled Gold Commendation The Silent Barnacle "This barnacle-encrusted pistol has sent many pirates to a watery grave."
Sunshine Parrot Flintlock
Sunshine Parrot Flintlock Weaponsmith's Shop 127,575 Gold Legends of the Sea II Commendation Sunshine Parrot "A flintlock with flourish! Ever seen a parrot spit lead?"
Thriving Wild Rose Pistol
Thriving Wild Rose Pistol General Clothing Shop 127,575 Gold Always Yours Commendation Thriving Wild Rose "The elegant personal pistol of Wild Rose, responsible for many a visit to the Ferryman."
Venomous Kraken Flintlock Pistol
Venomous Kraken Flintlock Pistol Weaponsmith's Shop 127,575 Gold Legendary Kraken Hunter Commendation Venomous Kraken "A wicked Kraken flintlock, sure to invoke the same sense of impending death as the beast itself."
Order of Souls Pistol
Order of Souls Pistol Weaponsmith's Shop 200,000 Gold Seeker of Lost Souls Commendation Order of Souls "It's said that this pistol can predict your future: it involves shooting many, many skeletons."
Gold Hoarders Pistol
Gold Hoarders Pistol Weaponsmith's Shop 255,150 Gold Seeker of Ancient Vaults Commendation Gold Hoarders "Sacrificing two precious emeralds in the making of this pistol can't have been easy for the Gold Hoarders."
Soulflame Pistol
Soulflame Pistol Athena's Fortune Shop 500,000 Gold
Vanquishing the Damned Commendation
Soulflame "The ghostly light shining from this pistol's barrel makes for a seriously scary sidearm."
Dark Adventurers Pistol
Dark Adventurers Pistol Athena's Fortune Shop 2,551,500 Gold
Dark Adventurers "Pirate Legends will know how to make every last shot from this pricey pistol count."


  • Total Cost: 5,531,945 Gold  285 Doubloons  6,374 Ancient Coins
Image Name Source Cost Requires Set In-game description
Aristocrat Blunderbuss
Aristocrat Blunderbuss Weaponsmith's Shop 75 Doubloons n/a Aristocrat "This opulent blunderbuss really sets off the bloodthirsty glint in your eye."
Barrel Bombardier Blunderbuss
Barrel Bombardier Blunderbuss Pirate Emporium 249 Ancient Coins n/a Barrel Bombardier "This farrago of metal, gunpowder and wood is more likely to blow up in your own face than your enemy's."
Bleakheart Banshee Blunderbuss
Bleakheart Banshee Blunderbuss Pirate Emporium 249 Ancient Coins n/a Bleakheart Banshee "Taken down from the wall of ruined Bleakheart Manor and put to use as a powerful tool for survival on the seas."
Blooming Barrel Blunderbuss
Blooming Barrel Blunderbuss Armoury
n/a Standalone Cosmetics "Not only does this scattershot weapon tear into nearby enemies, it fills the air with a lovely springtime scent."
Blunderbuss of the Damned
Blunderbuss of the Damned Armoury
n/a Ferry of the Damned "A powerful weapon that's sure to keep the Ferryman busy with new arrivals."
Blunderbuss of The Wailing Barnacle
Blunderbuss of The Wailing Barnacle Duke 15 Doubloons n/a Wailing Barnacle "Suited for the water, this blunderbuss may be the only thing between you and a shark's stomach."
Bone Crusher Blunderbuss
Bone Crusher Blunderbuss Duke 15 Doubloons n/a Bone Crusher "Shoot skellies with blunderbuss, make new blunderbuss from bones, shoot more skellies!"
Crimson Crypt Blunderbuss
Crimson Crypt Blunderbuss Pirate Emporium 249 Ancient Coins n/a Crimson Crypt "The hiss when you fire this wicked-looking fanged blunderbuss is said to sound like a vampire bat."
Cronch Blunderbuss
Cronch Blunderbuss Pirate Emporium 249 Ancient Coins n/a Cronch "Blow the enemy away with this beautiful, booming banana-buss."
Cursed Ferryman Blunderbuss
Cursed Ferryman Blunderbuss Pirate Emporium 249 Ancient Coins n/a Cursed Ferryman "Do you fear death? Then make sure you're holding this weapon the right way around."
Cutthroat Blunderbuss
Cutthroat Blunderbuss Pirate Emporium 249 Ancient Coins n/a Cutthroat "Known for the thunderous crack it makes when fired, this full-bore blunderbuss could break your shoulder if you're not careful."
Dark Warsmith Blunderbuss
Dark Warsmith Blunderbuss Pirate Emporium 249 Ancient Coins n/a Dark Warsmith "Unleash war upon your enemies from the boiling barrel of your new favourite blunderbuss."
Eastern Winds Sapphire Blunderbuss
Eastern Winds Sapphire Blunderbuss Armoury
n/a Eastern Winds Sapphire "No, that's not a dragon's roar - it's the cacophonous crack of this beastly blunderbuss."
Eternal Freedom Blunderbuss
Eternal Freedom Blunderbuss Pirate Emporium 249 Ancient Coins n/a Eternal Freedom "A fine weapon forged beyond the horizon, given a new lease of life on the Sea of Thieves."
Fearless Bone Crusher Blunderbuss
Fearless Bone Crusher Blunderbuss Weaponsmith's Shop 75 Doubloons n/a Fearless Bone Crusher "Shoot skellies with blunderbuss, make new blunderbuss from bones, shoot more skellies!"
Ferryman Blunderbuss
Ferryman Blunderbuss Armoury
n/a Ferryman "Converted from guns thrown away in anger by crews who failed to overcome the skeleton strongholds."
Festival of Giving Blunderbuss
Festival of Giving Blunderbuss Pirate Emporium 249 Ancient Coins n/a Festival of Giving "Ribbons and bells are lovely, but won't make the pirate in front of this gun feel any more jolly."
Forsaken Ashes Blunderbuss
Forsaken Ashes Blunderbuss Duke 15 Doubloons Devil's Cartographer Title Forsaken Ashes "This blunderbuss looks ready to spit fire at the enemy."
Frozen Ashes Blunderbuss
Frozen Ashes Blunderbuss Armoury
n/a Standalone Cosmetics "When fire meets ice, this deadly blunderbuss is the elementally-confused result."
Frozen Horizon Blunderbuss
Frozen Horizon Blunderbuss Pirate Emporium 249 Ancient Coins n/a Frozen Horizon "Can a blunderbuss that looks like this really be described as a 'fire'arm?"
Gilded Phoenix Blunderbuss
Gilded Phoenix Blunderbuss Armoury
n/a Gilded Phoenix "Please ensure you clean the gunpowder and blood off this fine, gleaming, ornate gun."
Golden Legendary Blunderbuss
Golden Legendary Blunderbuss Armoury
Golden Legendary "For the Legends who voyaged from the start, this gun will blow your foes apart!"
Golden Nile Blunderbuss
Golden Nile Blunderbuss Pirate Emporium 249 Ancient Coins n/a Golden Nile "Staring into the gaping maw of this blunderbuss is even scarier than facing down a cruel crocodile."
Golden Sailor Blunderbuss
Golden Sailor Blunderbuss Armoury
n/a Golden Sailor "You like having news delivered to you? Deliver something deadlier with this beautiful blunderbuss!"
Graveyard Gladiator Blunderbuss
Graveyard Gladiator Blunderbuss Pirate Emporium 249 Ancient Coins n/a Graveyard Gladiator "Embellished with the scales of a rare and deadly beast, possibly now extinct, probably because of this."
Islehopper Outlaw Blunderbuss
Islehopper Outlaw Blunderbuss Pirate Emporium 149 Ancient Coins n/a Islehopper Outlaw "If all else fails during a no-holds-barred brawl, this spiked blunderbuss might double as a fearsome mace."
Jack O' Looter Blunderbuss
Jack O' Looter Blunderbuss Pirate Emporium 249 Ancient Coins n/a Jack O' Looter "Fill your senses with the fragrance of earth, greenery and recently ignited gunpowder."
Legendary Spirit Blunderbuss
Legendary Spirit Blunderbuss Armoury
n/a Legendary Spirit "The blunderbuss is always a fearsome weapon, especially when it's wielded by a mighty Pirate Legend."
Lionfish Blunderbuss
Lionfish Blunderbuss Pirate Emporium 249 Ancient Coins n/a Lionfish "Like the fish it's modelled on, this multicoloured blunderbuss looks harmless but packs a mighty wallop."
Lodestar Blunderbuss
Lodestar Blunderbuss Pirate Emporium 249 Ancient Coins n/a Lodestar "End up on the receiving end of this astral armament and you’ll be definitely seeing stars."
Lunar Festival Blunderbuss
Lunar Festival Blunderbuss Pirate Emporium 249 Ancient Coins n/a Lunar Festival "You'd be a lunatic not to pick up this exotic gold-tinted Festival Blunderbuss."
Mandrake Blunderbuss
Mandrake Blunderbuss Pirate Emporium 249 Ancient Coins n/a Mandrake "Don't go sniffing this blunderbuss' enticing flower - the only thing you'll be smelling is gunpowder. And blood."
Masked Renegade Blunderbuss
Masked Renegade Blunderbuss Armoury
n/a Masked Renegade "A blood-red blunderbuss? Perfect - no need to wipe it clean afterwards."
Mercenary Blunderbuss
Mercenary Blunderbuss Duke 15 Doubloons Mercenary of The Devils Roar Commendation Mercenary "This wide spread on this gun is ideal when contracted to dispatch multiple pirates."
Merchant Ambassador Blunderbuss
Merchant Ambassador Blunderbuss Armoury
n/a Merchant Ambassador "Do try and refrain from too much widespread weapon fire - ammunition doesn't come cheaply, you know."
Midnight Blunderbuss
Midnight Blunderbuss Armoury
n/a Black Dog "The last thing your enemies will see as they stare into a void of blackness. Unless you miss."
Prehistoric Plunderer Blunderbuss
Prehistoric Plunderer Blunderbuss Pirate Emporium 249 Ancient Coins n/a Prehistoric Plunderer "The beast encased within this amber blunderbuss shakes with every shot. Like it's trying to break free..."
Reaper's Heart Blunderbuss
Reaper's Heart Blunderbuss Pirate Emporium 249 Ancient Coins n/a Reaper's Heart "Love brings pirates together. A blunderbuss blasts them apart."
Relic of Darkness Blunderbuss
Relic of Darkness Blunderbuss Armoury
n/a Relic of Darkness "Frees skeletons from the bane of their undead existence, whether they like it or not."
Rogue Tinkerer Blunderbuss
Rogue Tinkerer Blunderbuss Pirate Emporium 249 Ancient Coins n/a Rogue Tinkerer "A Blunderbuss created by a born inventor, who didn't realise they already existed."
Royal Revenge Blunderbuss
Royal Revenge Blunderbuss Pirate Emporium 249 Ancient Coins n/a Royal Revenge "You’re not the kind of pirate who needs tricks to inspire fear, only this might blunderbuss."
Ruby Viper Blunderbuss Armoury
n/a Ruby Viper
Sailor Blunderbuss
Sailor Blunderbuss Armoury
n/a Sailor "Fires a spread of shot just as good as those more interesting looking blunderbusses."
Sapphire Blade Blunderbuss
Sapphire Blade Blunderbuss Armoury
n/a Sapphire Blade "A fine weapon salvaged from the wreck of a ship that was once as gorgeous as she was dangerous."
Sea of Sands Blunderbuss
Sea of Sands Blunderbuss Pirate Emporium 249 Ancient Coins n/a Sea of Sands "Rub this blunderbuss and it grants your wish - if the wish is to blow up whatever's in front of you."
Shining Pegasus Blunderbuss
Shining Pegasus Blunderbuss Pirate Emporium 249 Ancient Coins n/a Shining Pegasus "At close range, this powerful blunderbuss has a kick like a horse."
Shrouded Ghost Hunter Blunderbuss
Shrouded Ghost Hunter Blunderbuss Pirate Emporium 249 Ancient Coins n/a Shrouded Ghost Hunter "Megalodon hunters favour this gun because it can't miss... when you're harpooned to a Megalodon."
Silver Blade Blunderbuss
Silver Blade Blunderbuss Armoury
n/a Silver Blade "It's important for a leader to be safe and to be heard. Two birds, one blunderbuss..."
Tribute Peak Blunderbuss
Tribute Peak Blunderbuss Armoury
n/a Tribute Peak "The muzzle of this blunderbuss is framed by a golden skull design in case your deadly intentions aren't obvious."
Twilight Hunter Blunderbuss
Twilight Hunter Blunderbuss Armoury
n/a Twilight Hunter "Sometimes a hunter needs a bigger bang. Let them fear you."
Victorious Sea Dog Blunderbuss
Victorious Sea Dog Blunderbuss Armoury
Legendary Sea Dog Commendation
Glorious Sea Dog "A blunderbuss this fine is reserved for someone who never misses. Congratulations!"
Wild Rose Blunderbuss
Wild Rose Blunderbuss Weaponsmith's Shop 75 Doubloons n/a Wild Rose "It’s said that Wild Rose never took to using a blunderbuss, but had this made to complete her set"
Wrecker Wrangler Blunderbuss
Wrecker Wrangler Blunderbuss Pirate Emporium 249 Ancient Coins n/a Wrecker Wrangler "There's something particularly upsetting in being set upon by a weapon with so many teeth..."
Lowly Sea Dog Blunderbuss
Lowly Sea Dog Blunderbuss Sea Dogs 700 Gold
10 10
Glorious Sea Dog "We can offer lowly Sea Dogs a basic blunderbuss that looks smart... and smarts when it hits!"
Prominent Sea Dog Blunderbuss
Prominent Sea Dog Blunderbuss Sea Dogs 1,400 Gold
20 20
Glorious Sea Dog "You've gained prominence, so we're offering you a blunderbuss more worthy of a Sea Dog"
Famed Sea Dog Blunderbuss
Famed Sea Dog Blunderbuss Sea Dogs 2,100 Gold
30 30
Glorious Sea Dog "Ah, the extra flourish of a pirate with a big head! But as a famed Sea Dog, you've earned it."
Revered Sea Dog Blunderbuss
Revered Sea Dog Blunderbuss Sea Dogs 2,800 Gold
40 40
Glorious Sea Dog "Your gun is now as colourful as your feared and revered reputation in the Arena!"
Legendary Sea Dog Blunderbuss
Legendary Sea Dog Blunderbuss Sea Dogs 3,500 Gold
50 50
Glorious Sea Dog "The proud Lesedi designed this legendary blunderbuss. You've earned your place in our Arena."
Admiral Blunderbuss
Admiral Blunderbuss Weaponsmith's Shop 9,450 Gold n/a Admiral "Sometimes the only way to restore order is with an impeccably delivered dose of shot."
Bilge Rat Blunderbuss
Bilge Rat Blunderbuss Weaponsmith's Shop 9,450 Gold n/a Bilge Rat "Once prone to barrel explosions after overfilling with shot. Should be OK now though."
Castaway Bilge Rat Blunderbuss
Castaway Bilge Rat Blunderbuss Weaponsmith's Shop 9,450 Gold n/a Castaway Bilge Rat "Once prone to barrel explosions after overfilling wtih shot. Should be OK now though."
Ceremonial Admiral Blunderbuss
Ceremonial Admiral Blunderbuss Weaponsmith's Shop 9,450 Gold
48 48
Ceremonial Admiral "Sometimes the only way to restore order is with an impeccably delivered dose of shot."
Grand Admiral Blunderbuss
Grand Admiral Blunderbuss Weaponsmith's Shop 9,450 Gold n/a Grand Admiral "Sometimes the only way to restore order is with an impeccably delivered dose of shot."
Hunter Blunderbuss
Hunter Blunderbuss Weaponsmith's Shop 9,450 Gold n/a Hunter "Sometimes a hunter needs a bigger bang. Let them fear you."
Imperial Sovereign Blunderbuss
Imperial Sovereign Blunderbuss Weaponsmith's Shop 9,450 Gold n/a Imperial Sovereign "Ideal for close quarters disagreements, but surely everyone will agree how magnificent this looks."
Legendary Blunderbuss
Legendary Blunderbuss Athena's Fortune Shop 9,450 Gold
Legendary Sea Dog Title
Legendary "When meeting a legend don't make a fuss, or you may feel the sting of this blunderbuss."
Legendary Fortune Blunderbuss
Legendary Fortune Blunderbuss Athena's Fortune Shop 9,450 Gold
26 26
Legendary Fortune "When meeting a legend don't make a fuss, or you may feel the sting of this blunderbuss."
Rogue Sea Dog Blunderbuss
Rogue Sea Dog Blunderbuss Weaponsmith's Shop 9,450 Gold
48 48
Rogue Sea Dog "Spread the word, this is the original and still the best Skeleton horde stopper."
Royal Sovereign Blunderbuss
Royal Sovereign Blunderbuss Weaponsmith's Shop 9,450 Gold
48 48
Royal Sovereign "Ideal for close quarters disagreements, but surely everyone will agree how magnificent this looks."
Ruffian Sea Dog Blunderbuss
Ruffian Sea Dog Blunderbuss Weaponsmith's Shop 9,450 Gold n/a Ruffian Sea Dog "Spread the word, this is the original and still the best Skeleton horde stopper."
Sea Dog Blunderbuss
Sea Dog Blunderbuss Weaponsmith's Shop 9,450 Gold n/a Sea Dog "Spread the word, this is the original and still the best Skeleton horde stopper."
Sovereign Blunderbuss
Sovereign Blunderbuss Weaponsmith's Shop 9,450 Gold n/a Sovereign "Ideal for close quarters disagreements, but surely everyone will agree how magnificent this looks."
Azure Ocean Crawler Blunderbuss
Azure Ocean Crawler Blunderbuss Weaponsmith's Shop 13,400 Gold Hunter of Trophy Fish Commendation Azure Ocean Crawler "Blow crustacean haters away with this briney blunderbuss!"
Blunderbuss of the Ashen Dragon
Blunderbuss of the Ashen Dragon Weaponsmith's Shop 13,400 Gold Tome of Fire Collector Commendation Ashen Dragon "Flaming fury will spit upon your foes with this dragon-adorned weapon."
Kraken Blunderbuss
Kraken Blunderbuss Weaponsmith's Shop 13,400 Gold n/a Kraken "This blunderbuss promises to spit lead as effectively as a Kraken spits out chewed pirates."
Ocean Crawler Blunderbuss
Ocean Crawler Blunderbuss Weaponsmith's Shop 13,400 Gold n/a Ocean Crawler "Blow crustacean haters away with this briney blunderbuss!"
Parrot Blunderbuss
Parrot Blunderbuss Weaponsmith's Shop 13,400 Gold n/a Parrot "Well, at least the last thing your enemies see is something pretty."
Party Boat Blunderbuss
Party Boat Blunderbuss Weaponsmith's Shop 13,400 Gold Gunpowder, Treason and Plot Commendation Party Boat "The fireworks are only for decoration. It's the big bit in the middle that shoots people."
Scorched Forsaken Ashes Blunderbuss
Scorched Forsaken Ashes Blunderbuss Weaponsmith's Shop 13,400 Gold Hunter of Old Horatio Commendation Scorched Forsaken Ashes "This blunderbuss looks ready to spit fire at the enemy."
Seared Forsaken Ashes Blunderbuss
Seared Forsaken Ashes Blunderbuss Weaponsmith's Shop 13,400 Gold Hunter of Old Horatio Commendation Seared Forsaken Ashes "This blunderbuss looks ready to spit fire at the enemy."
Blunderbuss of Sunken Sorrow
Blunderbuss of Sunken Sorrow Weaponsmith's Shop 26,800 Gold Conqueror of the Sunken Kingdom Commendation Sunken Sorrow "Despite its condition, this blunderbuss still fires just fine - even when it's underwater."
Scurvy Bilge Rat Blunderbuss
Scurvy Bilge Rat Blunderbuss Weaponsmith's Shop 27,000 Gold n/a Scurvy Bilge Rat "Once prone to barrel explosions after overfilling with shot. Should be OK now though."
Triumphant Sea Dog Blunderbuss
Triumphant Sea Dog Blunderbuss Weaponsmith's Shop 57,620 Gold Skilled High Calibre Sea Dog Commendation Triumphant Sea Dog "This bright blunderbuss demands attention, especially when pointed at someone's head."
Ancient Blunderbuss
Ancient Blunderbuss Athena's Fortune Shop 67,775 Gold
Tower Defence Commendation
Veil of the Ancients "This Blunderbuss shares the power of the Veil of the Ancients, it too can send pirates to the Sea of the Damned."
Ghost Blunderbuss
Ghost Blunderbuss Athena's Fortune Shop 67,775 Gold
19 19
Ghost "Though this weapon is almost transparent, it fires very solid, very real buckshot."
Deep Ocean Crawler Blunderbuss
Deep Ocean Crawler Blunderbuss Weaponsmith's Shop 85,050 Gold n/a Deep Ocean Crawler "Blow crustacean haters away with this briney blunderbuss!"
Inky Kraken Blunderbuss
Inky Kraken Blunderbuss Weaponsmith's Shop 85,050 Gold n/a Inky Kraken "This blunderbuss promises to spit lead as effectively as a Kraken spits out chewed pirates."
Nightshine Parrot Blunderbuss
Nightshine Parrot Blunderbuss Weaponsmith's Shop 85,050 Gold n/a Nightshine Parrot "Well, at least the last thing your enemies see is something pretty."
Cartographer Blunderbuss
Cartographer Blunderbuss Weaponsmith's Shop 125,000 Gold Treasured Company Commendation Cartographer "Charting the seas can be a scattergun process, and this geographical gun mirrors that perfectly!"
Blunderbuss of the Silent Barnacle
Blunderbuss of the Silent Barnacle Weaponsmith's Shop 127,575 Gold Hoarder of Barnacled Gold Commendation The Silent Barnacle "Suited for the water, this blunderbuss may be the only thing between you and a shark's stomach."
Cultured Aristocrat Blunderbuss
Cultured Aristocrat Blunderbuss Weaponsmith's Shop 127,575 Gold The Curse Of The Pacifists Demise Commendation Cultured Aristocrat "This opulent blunderbuss really sets off the bloodthirsty glint in your eye."
Dawn Hunter Blunderbuss
Dawn Hunter Blunderbuss Weaponsmith's Shop 127,575 Gold Plundered Prizes Commendation Dawn Hunter "Simple and effective, a no-nonsense instrument of death."
Eastern Winds Jade Blunderbuss
Eastern Winds Jade Blunderbuss Weaponsmith's Shop 127,575 Gold n/a Eastern Winds Jade "No, that's not a dragon's roar - it's the cacophonous crack of this beastly blunderbuss."
Sunshine Parrot Blunderbuss
Sunshine Parrot Blunderbuss Weaponsmith's Shop 127,575 Gold Legends of the Sea II Commendation Sunshine Parrot "Well, at least the last thing your enemies see is something pretty."
Thriving Wild Rose Blunderbuss
Thriving Wild Rose Blunderbuss Weaponsmith's Shop 127,575 Gold Always Yours Commendation Thriving Wild Rose "It's said that Wild Rose never took to using a blunderbuss, but had this made to complete her set."
Venomous Kraken Blunderbuss
Venomous Kraken Blunderbuss Weaponsmith's Shop 127,575 Gold Legendary Kraken Hunter Commendation Venomous Kraken "This blunderbuss promises to spit lead as effectively as a Kraken spits out chewed pirates."
Order of Souls Blunderbuss
Order of Souls Blunderbuss Weaponsmith's Shop 200,000 Gold Seeker of Lost Souls Commendation Order of Souls "A weapon supposedly designed by Madame Olivia herself to shatter multiple skeletons per shot."
Gold Hoarders Blunderbuss
Gold Hoarders Blunderbuss Weaponsmith's Shop 255,150 Gold Seeker of Ancient Vaults Commendation Gold Hoarders "A blunderbuss so opulent, you'll feel wealthier just by being shot with it."
Wicked Web Blunderbuss
Wicked Web Blunderbuss Weaponsmith's Shop 255,150 Gold Banishing the Damned Commendation Wicked Web "If this is pointed at you, you have a lot more to fear than lurking spiders."
Soulflame Blunderbuss
Soulflame Blunderbuss Athena's Fortune Shop 500,000 Gold
Vanquishing the Damned Commendation
Soulflame "The glow from within this blunderbuss is almost serene... at least until you pull the trigger."
Dark Adventurers Blunderbuss
Dark Adventurers Blunderbuss Athena's Fortune Shop 2,551,500 Gold
Dark Adventurers "Designed by Reapers. Wielded by Pirate Legends. Now that's a scary blunderbuss."

Eye of Reach[]

  • Total Cost: 5,258,076 Gold  1,785 Doubloons  6,125 Ancient Coins
Image Name Source Cost Requires Set In-game description
Aristocrat Eye of Reach
Aristocrat Eye of Reach Weaponsmith's Shop 75 Doubloons n/a Aristocrat "Sometimes altercations require a delicate touch from afar, instead of being dragged into the mud."
Barrel Bombardier Eye of Reach
Barrel Bombardier Eye of Reach Pirate Emporium 249 Ancient Coins n/a Barrel Bombardier "Using this weapon is like shooting fish in a barrel. A barrel that will explode and instantaneously fry all the fish."
Bleakheart Banshee Eye of Reach
Bleakheart Banshee Eye of Reach Pirate Emporium 249 Ancient Coins n/a Bleakheart Banshee "A fine hunting weapon used sparingly by a cursed line of maritime aristocracy. The curse, hopefully, isn't contagious."
Bone Crusher Eye of Reach
Bone Crusher Eye of Reach Duke 15 Doubloons n/a Bone Crusher "Crafted from the bones of defeated skeletons, to really add insult to injury."
Crimson Crypt Eye of Reach
Crimson Crypt Eye of Reach Pirate Emporium 249 Ancient Coins n/a Crimson Crypt "The bottle used to craft the sight of this ornate armament is of the rarest vintage, found in the darkest of catacombs."
Cronch Eye of Reach
Cronch Eye of Reach Pirate Emporium 249 Ancient Coins n/a Cronch "Give your foes a serious case of potassium poisoning."
Cursed Ferryman Eye of Reach
Cursed Ferryman Eye of Reach Pirate Emporium 249 Ancient Coins n/a Cursed Ferryman "A slender, eel-like shape that's perfectly suited to eternity under the waves."
Cutthroat Eye of Reach
Cutthroat Eye of Reach Pirate Emporium 249 Ancient Coins n/a Cutthroat "A masterpieve crafted by a shady branch of weaponsmiths. Show your quarry no mercy with this fearsome bladed firearm."
Dark Warsmith Eye of Reach
Dark Warsmith Eye of Reach Pirate Emporium 249 Ancient Coins n/a Dark Warsmith "Be careful how you handle this red-hot rifle. You can't pull a trigger with burned fingers."
Eastern Winds Sapphire Eye of Reach
Eastern Winds Sapphire Eye of Reach Armoury
n/a Eastern Winds Sapphire "An expertly crafted weapon with a long, gilded dragon design coiled along its length."
Eternal Freedom Eye of Reach
Eternal Freedom Eye of Reach Pirate Emporium 249 Ancient Coins n/a Eternal Freedom "Keep a weather eye on the horizon using the handy scope atop this proud weapon."
Eye of Reach of the Damned
Eye of Reach of the Damned Armoury
n/a Ferry of the Damned "Don't worry about how it's even possible to wield this ghostly gun - concentrate on aiming!"
Eye of Reach of The Wailing Barnacle
Eye of Reach of The Wailing Barnacle Duke 15 Doubloons n/a Wailing Barnacle "Both a long-range weapon and a way to watch out for your favourite sealife."
Fearless Bone Crusher Eye of Reach
Fearless Bone Crusher Eye of Reach Weaponsmith's Shop 75 Doubloons n/a Fearless Bone Crusher "Crafted from the bones of defeated skeletons, to really add insult to injury."
Festival of Giving Eye of Reach
Festival of Giving Eye of Reach Pirate Emporium 249 Ancient Coins n/a Festival of Giving "During this Festival of Giving, why not be more generous with your ammo?"
Forsaken Ashes Eye of Reach
Forsaken Ashes Eye of Reach Duke 15 Doubloons Devil's Cartographer Title Forsaken Ashes "You're on fire! Or you will be, with a few red-hot headshots from this beauty."
Frozen Horizon Eye of Reach
Frozen Horizon Eye of Reach Pirate Emporium 249 Ancient Coins n/a Frozen Horizon "Peering down the sights of this arctic armament is likely to result in a cold stare."
Gilded Phoenix Eye of Reach
Gilded Phoenix Eye of Reach Armoury
n/a Gilded Phoenix "This Eye of Reach is gilded and elegant - it's almost a shame to fire it. Almost."
Golden Nile Eye of Reach
Golden Nile Eye of Reach Pirate Emporium 249 Ancient Coins n/a Golden Nile "The sight on this ranged weapon would let you see ships sailing down even the longest rivers."
Graveyard Gladiator Eye of Reach
Graveyard Gladiator Eye of Reach Pirate Emporium 249 Ancient Coins n/a Graveyard Gladiator "A long-range weapon with some pointed remodelling to feel more suited to a close-quarters fighter."
Islehopper Outlaw Eye of Reach
Islehopper Outlaw Eye of Reach Pirate Emporium 149 Ancient Coins n/a Islehopper Outlaw "If the scope's purple glow doesn't warn enemies of an attack, the raucous whoops of the hooligan behind it will."
Jack O' Looter Eye of Reach
Jack O' Looter Eye of Reach Pirate Emporium 249 Ancient Coins n/a Jack O' Looter "Good guns don't just grow on trees, but it turns out some do grow from vines, possibly with a little help."
Legendary Spirit Eye of Reach
Legendary Spirit Eye of Reach Armoury
n/a Legendary Spirit "Rumour has it this weapon was once used by the Pirate Lord himself, to shoot the lid off a bottle of grog..."
Lionfish Eye of Reach
Lionfish Eye of Reach Pirate Emporium 249 Ancient Coins n/a Lionfish "If all else fails, blind your opponent with this weapon's dazzling array of colours. Who needs stealth?"
Lodestar Eye of Reach
Lodestar Eye of Reach Pirate Emporium 249 Ancient Coins n/a Lodestar "For when you want to shoot AT the moon, rather for it."
Lunar Festival Eye of Reach
Lunar Festival Eye of Reach Pirate Emporium 249 Ancient Coins n/a Lunar Festival "Celebrate the Lunar Festival by sniping sneaky sea rovers in style. That's the spirit!"
Mandrake Eye of Reach
Mandrake Eye of Reach Pirate Emporium 249 Ancient Coins n/a Mandrake "For those on long assassination missions, the foliage growing out of this gun works as fantastic camouflage."
Masked Renegade Eye of Reach
Masked Renegade Eye of Reach Armoury
n/a Masked Renegade "This Eye of Reach is adorned with strange, glowing symbols. What might they signify...?"
Mercenary Eye of Reach
Mercenary Eye of Reach Duke 15 Doubloons Mercenary of The Shores Of Plenty Commendation Mercenary "For those contracts that require a little more finesse, or ideally, not taking any risk at all."
Merchant Ambassador Eye of Reach
Merchant Ambassador Eye of Reach Armoury
n/a Merchant Ambassador "Not only is this a fine weapon, you can use it to keep an eye on your cargo from a distance."
Obsidian Eye of Reach
Obsidian Eye of Reach Armoury
n/a Black Dog "As black as the shadows from which you hunt your unsuspecting foes."
Prehistoric Plunderer Eye of Reach
Prehistoric Plunderer Eye of Reach Pirate Emporium 249 Ancient Coins n/a Prehistoric Plunderer "Gaze through this armament's amber spyglass and see what your foe would like trapped in ancient tree resin, waiting to be unearthed."
Reaper's Heart Eye of Reach
Reaper's Heart Eye of Reach Pirate Emporium 249 Ancient Coins n/a Reaper's Heart "Shoot for the heart! If you miss, your bullet still lands among the vital organs."
Relic of Darkness Eye of Reach
Relic of Darkness Eye of Reach Armoury
n/a Relic of Darkness "Peace, tranquility and a calm mind are needed to land shots with this weapon. Oh, and bullets."
Rogue Tinkerer Eye of Reach
Rogue Tinkerer Eye of Reach Pirate Emporium 249 Ancient Coins n/a Rogue Tinkerer "Dismantling a gun is easy. Putting it back together is where the challenge lies."
Royal Revenge Eye of Reach
Royal Revenge Eye of Reach Pirate Emporium 249 Ancient Coins n/a Royal Revenge "Instil dread in your foes by picking them off before they ever see your face."
Ruby Viper Eye of Reach Armoury
n/a Ruby Viper
Sailor Eye of Reach
Sailor Eye of Reach Armoury
n/a Sailor "A keen eye is required to appreciate the finer points of this long range gun. We've yet to find one."
Sapphire Blade Eye of Reach
Sapphire Blade Eye of Reach Armoury
n/a Sapphire Blade "Scout the way ahead and clear out skellies at the same time. Efficient!"
Sea of Sands Eye of Reach
Sea of Sands Eye of Reach Pirate Emporium 249 Ancient Coins n/a Sea of Sands "Craftsmanship without equal makes this weapon the master of the sands."
Shining Pegasus Eye of Reach
Shining Pegasus Eye of Reach Pirate Emporium 249 Ancient Coins n/a Shining Pegasus "A weapon so brilliantly opulent, you might just dazzle anyone who catches you aiming it."
Silver Blade Eye of Reach
Silver Blade Eye of Reach Armoury
n/a Silver Blade "Scout the way ahead and clear out skellies at the same time. Efficient!"
Splash Fight Eye of Reach
Splash Fight Eye of Reach Armoury
n/a Standalone Cosmetics "Don't let this watery weapon fool you - when fired, it will do far more than deliver a good soaking."
The Ballista Eye of Reach
The Ballista Eye of Reach Weaponsmith's Shop 1,500 Doubloons n/a Standalone Cosmetics "There's no cause for alarm - this isn’t really a deadly bolt-firing ballista. It's actually just a deadly rifle. Phew!"
Tribute Peak Eye of Reach
Tribute Peak Eye of Reach Armoury
n/a Tribute Peak "All that glints is not gold - it might will be that some distant foe has you in their sights."
Twilight Hunter Eye of Reach
Twilight Hunter Eye of Reach Armoury
n/a Twilight Hunter "Take out your enemies from a distance. They'll never see you coming."
Wild Rose Eye of Reach
Wild Rose Eye of Reach Weaponsmith's Shop 75 Doubloons n/a Wild Rose "A beautifully crafted weapon; shame your attackers will never get close enough to see it."
Wrecker Wrangler Eye of Reach
Wrecker Wrangler Eye of Reach Pirate Emporium 249 Ancient Coins n/a Wrecker Wrangler "The Wrecker Wrangler weaponsmith behind this design definitely stole more than their fair share of raw materials."
X Marks the Spot Eye of Reach
X Marks the Spot Eye of Reach Armoury
n/a X Marks the Spot "This is very handy when another crew gets to your treasure before you do. Serves them right."
Launch Crew Eye of Reach
Launch Crew Eye of Reach Weaponsmith's Shop Gold n/a Standalone Cosmetics "As the good ship Sea of Thieves set sail, a bottle was smashed on her side and preserved to say: 'Thank you'."
Admiral Eye of Reach
Admiral Eye of Reach Weaponsmith's Shop 9,450 Gold n/a Admiral "Do your duty and don't buy this, as there is no honor in fighting from range."
Bilge Rat Eye of Reach
Bilge Rat Eye of Reach Weaponsmith's Shop 9,450 Gold n/a Bilge Rat "Requires the steadiest of hands. Not for ensuring a hit, but to prevent this rifle falling apart."
Castaway Bilge Rat Eye of Reach
Castaway Bilge Rat Eye of Reach Weaponsmith's Shop 9,450 Gold n/a Castaway Bilge Rat "Requires the steadiest of hands. Not for ensuring a hit, but to prevent this rifle falling apart."
Ceremonial Admiral Eye of Reach
Ceremonial Admiral Eye of Reach Weaponsmith's Shop 9,450 Gold
48 48
Ceremonial Admiral "Do your duty and don't buy this, as there is no honor in fighting from range."
Grand Admiral Eye of Reach
Grand Admiral Eye of Reach Weaponsmith's Shop 9,450 Gold n/a Grand Admiral "Do your duty and don't buy this, as there is no honor in fighting from range."
Hunter Eye of Reach
Hunter Eye of Reach Weaponsmith's Shop 9,450 Gold n/a Hunter "Take out your enemies from a distance. They'll never see you coming."
Imperial Sovereign Eye of Reach
Imperial Sovereign Eye of Reach Weaponsmith's Shop 9,450 Gold n/a Imperial Sovereign "Long range shooting can now be done with accuracy AND panache. No pirate could ask for more."
Legendary Eye of Reach
Legendary Eye of Reach Athena's Fortune Shop 9,450 Gold
Legendary Sea Dog Title
Legendary "Your fame lives on, your foe does not, they don't even see you take the shot."
Legendary Fortune Eye of Reach
Legendary Fortune Eye of Reach Athena's Fortune Shop 9,450 Gold
23 23
Legendary Fortune "Your fame lives on, your foe does not, they don't even see you take the shot."
Rogue Sea Dog Eye of Reach
Rogue Sea Dog Eye of Reach Weaponsmith's Shop 9,450 Gold
48 48
Rogue Sea Dog "When Blind Bob was not quite so blind, he added his spyglass to a musket and created this."
Royal Sovereign Eye of Reach
Royal Sovereign Eye of Reach Weaponsmith's Shop 9,450 Gold
48 48
Royal Sovereign "Long range shooting can now be done with accuracy AND panache. No pirate could ask for more."
Ruffian Sea Dog Eye of Reach
Ruffian Sea Dog Eye of Reach Weaponsmith's Shop 9,450 Gold n/a Ruffian Sea Dog "When Blind Bob was not quite so blind, he added his spyglass to a musket and created this."
Sea Dog Eye of Reach
Sea Dog Eye of Reach Weaponsmith's Shop 9,450 Gold n/a Sea Dog "When Blind Bob was not quite so blind, he added his spyglass to a musket and created this."
Sovereign Eye of Reach
Sovereign Eye of Reach Weaponsmith's Shop 9,450 Gold n/a Sovereign "Long range shooting can now be done with accuracy AND panache. No pirate could ask for more."
Azure Ocean Crawler Eye of Reach
Azure Ocean Crawler Eye of Reach Weaponsmith's Shop 13,400 Gold Hunter of Trophy Fish Commendation Azure Ocean Crawler "Perfect for spotting a nice crab pool, or defending one from hungry pirates."
Eye of Reach of the Ashen Dragon
Eye of Reach of the Ashen Dragon Weaponsmith's Shop 13,400 Gold Tome of Resurrection Collector Commendation Ashen Dragon "Rain down hot lead from a safe distance - nobody escapes the dragon."
Glorious Sea Dog Eye of Reach
Glorious Sea Dog Eye of Reach Weaponsmith's Shop 13,400 Gold Deadeye Sea Dog Commendation Glorious Sea Dog "When you hit a target from another island, the hard part is making sure you still get the credit."
Kraken Eye of Reach
Kraken Eye of Reach Weaponsmith's Shop 13,400 Gold n/a Kraken "With a reach as long as a Kraken's tentacle, this gun is a menance to pirates and sea monsters alike."
Ocean Crawler Eye of Reach
Ocean Crawler Eye of Reach Weaponsmith's Shop 13,400 Gold n/a Ocean Crawler "Perfect for spotting a nice crab pool, or defending one from hungry pirates."
Parrot Eye of Reach
Parrot Eye of Reach Weaponsmith's Shop 13,400 Gold n/a Parrot "Such a shame that most of your enemies will be too far away to appreciate this gorgeous weapon."
Party Boat Eye of Reach
Party Boat Eye of Reach Weaponsmith's Shop 13,400 Gold Heir of the Trickster Commendation Party Boat "Staring through the scope will give a great view of a dazzling Bilge Rat display."
Scorched Forsaken Ashes Eye of Reach
Scorched Forsaken Ashes Eye of Reach Weaponsmith's Shop 13,400 Gold Hunter of Warden Chi Commendation Scorched Forsaken Ashes "You're on fire! Or you will be, with a few red-hot headshots from this beauty."
Seared Forsaken Ashes Eye of Reach
Seared Forsaken Ashes Eye of Reach Weaponsmith's Shop 13,400 Gold Hunter of Red Ruth Commendation Seared Forsaken Ashes "They'll be eating hot lead after a shot from this pistol."
Eye of Reach of Sunken Sorrow
Eye of Reach of Sunken Sorrow Weaponsmith's Shop 26,800 Gold Conqueror of the Sunken Kingdom Commendation Sunken Sorrow "Spread some sorrow of your own by taking potshots at passing pirates."
Scurvy Bilge Rat Eye of Reach
Scurvy Bilge Rat Eye of Reach Weaponsmith's Shop 27,000 Gold n/a Scurvy Bilge Rat "Requires the steadiest of hands. Not for ensuring a hit, but to prevent this rifle falling backwards."
Triumphant Sea Dog Eye of Reach
Triumphant Sea Dog Eye of Reach Weaponsmith's Shop 57,620 Gold Skilled Deadeye Sea Dog Commendation Triumphant Sea Dog "When you hit a target from another island, the hard part is making sure you still get the credit."
Nightshine Parrot Eye of Reach
Nightshine Parrot Eye of Reach Weaponsmith's Shop 63,790 Gold n/a Nightshine Parrot "Such a shame that most of your enemies will be too far away to appreciate this gorgeous weapon."
Ancient Eye of Reach
Ancient Eye of Reach Athena's Fortune Shop 67,595 Gold
Legendary Loot Seller Commendation
Veil of the Ancients "The Veil may open portals to the Sea of the Damned, but this Eye of Reach will send your enemies there just as quick!"
Ghost Eye of Reach
Ghost Eye of Reach Athena's Fortune Shop 67,595 Gold
18 18
Ghost "Some ghosts cause destruction without even being seen. This is no exception."
Deep Ocean Crawler Eye of Reach
Deep Ocean Crawler Eye of Reach Weaponsmith's Shop 85,050 Gold n/a Deep Ocean Crawler "Perfect for spotting a nice crab pool, or defending one from hungry pirates."
Inky Kraken Eye of Reach
Inky Kraken Eye of Reach Weaponsmith's Shop 85,050 Gold n/a Inky Kraken "With a reach as long as a Kraken's tentacle, this gun is a menace to pirates and sea monsters alike."
Cartographer Eye of Reach
Cartographer Eye of Reach Weaponsmith's Shop 125,000 Gold Treasures Fit For a King Commendation Cartographer "While plotting a course, always keep one weather eye on the horizon - you may locate enemies lurking there!"
Cultured Aristocrat Eye of Reach
Cultured Aristocrat Eye of Reach Weaponsmith's Shop 127,575 Gold The Curse Of The Pacifists Demise Commendation Cultured Aristocrat "Sometimes altercations require a delicate touch from afar, instead of being dragged into the mud."
Dawn Hunter Eye of Reach
Dawn Hunter Eye of Reach Weaponsmith's Shop 127,575 Gold Plundered Prizes Commendation Dawn Hunter "Sometimes a hunter needs a bigger band. Let them fear you."
Eastern Winds Jade Eye of Reach
Eastern Winds Jade Eye of Reach Weaponsmith's Shop 127,575 Gold Generous Giving for Many Commendation Eastern Winds Jade "An expertly crafted weapon with a long, jade dragon design coiled along its length."
Eye of Reach of the Silent Barnacle
Eye of Reach of the Silent Barnacle Weaponsmith's Shop 127,575 Gold Hoarder of Barnacled Gold Commendation The Silent Barnacle "Both a long-range weapon and a way to watch out for your favourite sealife."
Sunshine Parrot Eye of Reach
Sunshine Parrot Eye of Reach Weaponsmith's Shop 127,575 Gold Legends of the Sea II Commendation Sunshine Parrot "Such a shame that most of your enemies will be too far away to appreciate this gorgeous weapon."
Thriving Wild Rose Eye of Reach
Thriving Wild Rose Eye of Reach Weaponsmith's Shop 127,575 Gold Always Yours Commendation Thriving Wild Rose "A beautifully crafted weapon; shame your attackers will never get close enough to see it."
Venomous Kraken Eye of Reach
Venomous Kraken Eye of Reach Weaponsmith's Shop 127,575 Gold Legendary Kraken Hunter Commendation Venomous Kraken "With a reach as long as a Kraken's tentacle, this gun is a menace to pirates and sea monsters alike."
Order of Souls Eye of Reach
Order of Souls Eye of Reach Weaponsmith's Shop 200,000 Gold Seeker of Lost Souls Commendation Order of Souls "The Order know that some skellies are best dealt with from a distance. Namely, the exploding ones."
Gold Hoarders Eye of Reach
Gold Hoarders Eye of Reach Weaponsmith's Shop 255,150 Gold Seeker of Ancient Vaults Commendation Gold Hoarders "It's unclear if this weapon is meant to be for defending your precious treasure hoard, or part of it."
Soulflame Eye of Reach
Soulflame Eye of Reach Athena's Fortune Shop 500,000 Gold
Vanquishing the Damned Commendation
Soulflame "You may not be stealthy when carrying this weapon, but you'll certainly be intimidating!"
Dark Adventurers Eye of Reach
Dark Adventurers Eye of Reach Athena's Fortune Shop 2,551,500 Gold
Dark Adventurers "An Eye of Reach covered in spikes? Good thing there's a matching eyepatch available."


  • You can use Weapons as a sort of flare by firing towards locations to indicate Players of the location or direction of a point of interest.
  • While not running a Cutlass largely removes the mobility of a Pirate, double-gunning can be very effective when boarding ships as switching weapons and following gunshots next to each other can quickly pick off single enemies. For example, a Flintlock and Eye of Reach shot after one another is enough to immediately kill any Pirate at full health. Be careful, as you need time between each kill to reload both weapons.
  • While an Armoury does not offer to replenish the ammo of a Firearm like the Ammo Chest does, then it can none-the-less be used to refill your Ammo, by switching weapons and then switching back to your original Firearm. This makes it possible to have longer shootouts on Outposts, as you can reload your weapons in front of the Weaponsmith's Shop.


Patch history[]

  • (November 3, 2022)
    • Players wielding weapons and equipment will now hear the intended audio effects.
  • 2.6.2 (September 29, 2022)
    • Players switching weapons shortly after eating will now hear the audio effect stop short, clearly indicating the action was cancelled.
  • 2.4.1 (January 20, 2022)
    • Improvements have been made to how hit detection calculates bullets affected by gravity, providing a small improvement to hit registration for ranged weapons when firing at medium to long-distance targets.
    • Players who are Sleeping will now consistently take damage from ranged Weapon fire.
  • 2.4.0 (December 2, 2021)
    • Following navigation through the Tunnels of the Damned, ranged Weapons now correctly display their bullet trails.
  • 2.0.4 (June 19, 2019)
    • The sword dash animation now plays when under the effects of snake venom and taking damage from skeletons.
  • 2.0 (April 30, 2019)
    • Fight with Honour – When attacking with your cutlass, striking the environment will no longer trigger a three-hit combo chain.
  • 1.4.5 (March 20, 2019)
    • Wielding Weapons – The forced firing delay has been removed when wielding a gun after sprinting or undocking, allowing players to fire sooner. The forced firing delay when switching weapons still remains to prevent fast switching and firing between guns.
    • Sword Switching – Players are now able to switch weapons/items at any point during a light sword attack. Players are still prevented from switching during a heavy sword attack.
    • Resolved eyepiece clipping issues in some Eye of Reach scopes.
    • Resolved an issue preventing players from switching to an item/weapon after hitting an object with a sword swing.
  • 1.4.4 (March 6, 2019)
    • Sword Miss Swing Recovery - When swinging your sword and missing your opponent, there is an increased recovery delay before you can swing again. Players can move freely during this recovery, however, are prevented from attacking.
    • Missed strike attack wind-down increased.
    • Cutlass no longer strikes twice on-miss.
    • Follow-up strikes no longer occur when striking anything other than an entity.
    • When blocking cutlass attacks from an enemy, resolved an issue where light strikes could penetrate your block and cause you to be stunned.
    • Switching between guns should now consistently play the full wield animation and firing delay.
    • Resolved an issue when rapidly firing a weapon where a bullet would not be correctly registered as fired and would trigger the hit marker without applying damage.
    • Resolved an issue where the Aim SFX for the Eye of Reach would play inconsistently.
  • 1.4.3 (February 6, 2019)
    • Double-Gun Switching – The Flintlock, Blunderbuss and Eye of Reach have new wield animations and enforce a delay when equipping and switching between these weapons.
    • Fluid Swordplay – Missing a Cutlass swing no longer slows player movement down, ensuring a more fluid swordplay experience.
    • Eye of Reach Hipfire – Reduced accuracy when hipfiring the Eye of Reach. Under pressure you can still get lucky with a Hip-Fired Eye of Reach shot, however at mid to long range this is significantly reduced.
    • Weapon Knock back – Flintlock & Eye of Reach shots will no longer apply knockback to enemies hit, Cutlass and Blunderbuss however will still retain their ability knock back players. Skeletons wielding Pistol, Blunderbuss & Eye of Reach have also had their ability to knock back players removed.
    • Weapon Reload Improvements – Following the recent change to the Eye of Reach, now both the Flintlock & Blunderbuss reload the moment the hammer is pulled. This allows players to sprint sooner when reloading without restarting the animation.
    • Bullet Projectile Speed – Bullets fired from a Blunderbuss or Eye of Reach now travel faster through the air, providing more predictable accuracy at range.
    • Weapon Damage Falloff – Bullet damage no longer decreases over distance.
    • Eye of Reach Damage – Reduced Eye of Reach Damage by a small amount to ensure this weapon's damage is balanced following the improvements to bullet speed and damage falloff.
  • 1.4.0 (November 28, 2018)
    • Smoke VFX will now appear correctly when shooting any gun while swimming on the surface of the water.
  • 1.3.2 (October 31, 2018)
    • Eye of Reach - Players can now sprint as soon as the Eye of Reach is cocked, no longer restarting the animation.
    • The animation for the second swing of the three hit combo with the Cutlass now appears as intended.
  • 1.3.1 (October 10, 2018)
    • Looking through the scope of an Eye of Reach will no longer trigger the sound effect multiple times.
  • 1.3.0 (September 27, 2018)
    • The animation for reloading the pistol will now appear consistently.
  • 1.2.5 (September 6, 2018)
    • Shooting a Blunderbuss underwater will now display the correct VFX.
  • 1.1.8 (July 26, 2018)
    • Screen stutter has been reduced aiming down sights.
  • 1.1.1 (June 5, 2018)
    • After equipping a weapon from the Armoury, aim sensitivity will no longer default to high the first time you aim down the sight.
  • 1.0.8 (May 23, 2018)
    • Visual Effects - Improved multiple VFX of weapon impact to grass terrain.
    • Improved gunplay in high-latency network conditions.
  • 1.0.5 (April 24, 2018)
    • Players will no longer be stuck with a single weapon slot and players weapon choice will now also persist across sessions.
    • Players who were experiencing the Single Weapon Slot issue will now be resolved as soon as they load into game.
  • 1.0.4 (April 18, 2018)
    • Players weapon selection from the Armoury should no longer reset to default after death.
  • 1.0.3 (April 11, 2018)
    • Weapon Balancing - Reduced Blunderbuss Damage and Increased Eye of Reach damage.
    • Players should no longer get into a state where they can no longer equip a second weapon.
  • 1.0.1 (March 27, 2018)
    • Weapon cosmetic changes made after migrating server will now persist across sessions.
  • First Release (March 20, 2018)
    • Introduced.
    • Removed Auto-Lock on Melee Attacks – We received feedback from our Betas and Scale Tests that this was a clunky experience, so it has now been removed. No more accidental cutlass-killing the pirate crews you’ve made un-easy alliances with!